Having a good time with Miguel Miñana

Miguel Miñana possesses the skill of creating events that evolve into happy memories. Special events that promote companies, products and their services through trade shows, product launches and other avenues. This year, for example, our six-foot bachelor and his company, ThemeWorks, organized 200 teams to compete in Nike’s annual basketball tournament. Miguel got the high school boys from Davao to Baguio onto the courts in a nationwide competition whose finals were held in Alabang Town Center.

Stage-managing state dinners for Malacañang is another of Miguel’s fortes. The smooth flow of a presidential gathering entails coordination of details like entertainers, reception lines, and caterers. When called upon to help in these functions, Miguel’s Theme Works Events Company is responsible for the smooth flow of the affair.

Life has been dramatic for our La Salle graduate in Marketing and Communication Arts. At the age of 32, he had his first heart attack while sitting in the dentist chair. At 34, he fainted in the supermart; when rushed to the hospital, he was told that he had his second attack. At 36, he woke up his maid at midnight to tell her that his chest was tightening up and they had to rush to the emergency room. "I’ll drive. You pray," he told her as she panicked. Miguel had a quadruple bypass a few days later. Having heart attacks is a family ailment, he comments. "It feels like a herd of elephants having a reunion on my chest."

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

When people begin a statement with "There’s a problem..."

If you could date any celebrity in the world, who would that be?

Oprah Winfrey who influences people in a positive way. When I watch her, I feel recharged because she sees the goodness in others.

Which living person do you admire most?

My mother, Charito. A strong woman who is quiet in her strength and lets me be myself.

What hobbies do you like most?

In New York, I watch every new Broadway musical.

What book influenced your life?

Courage and Contentment
by Gurumayi Chidvilasanda. In a light-hearted way, she gives insights on how to find divine contentment within oneself.

What is your greatest fear?

Losing a member of the family

What is your motto?

Whatever your longings and wishes are, be patient. Even the sun has to wait for the morning to fulfill God’s promise of a refreshing new day.

What is your greatest extravagance?

Home improvements. A nice spoon, a pretty vase, special chopsticks...

Which historical character would you like to have been?

Cecil B. De Mille, the 1920s jodphur-clad avatar of Hollywood extravagance. My original dream was to be a movie director.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

Summer vacations in Medina, Misamis Oriental with our huge Pelaez clan. As children, we would prepare grand presentations for the older family members.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

A recent success would be when I lost 70 pounds in seven months without the use of medication. Just a balanced diet, exercise and a lot of will power. Yes!

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Traveling to your heart’s content, having peace in your heart and receiving love from those around you.

Which living person do you most identify with?

My brother Manny, the architect. He is very dedicated to what he does and is very good at it.

What makes you laugh?

A good Pinoy joke

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Self-destruction like substance abuse or not using one’s potentials.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

The ability to be very clear about his priorities in life: God, family, himself.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Tenderness. A woman who can be strong and firm yet warm and tender too.

What does your dad often say to you?

As we were growing up my dad would often tell us "Why dwell on the formula of the atom bomb, you won’t need it anyway!" He taught us not to dwell on unimportant thoughts.
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E-mail: singles@mydestiny.net

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