The yin and yang of Joni Feliciano

Courage and \discipline are virtues that Joni Feliciano rates highly in herself. Trained as a sniper, she is part of the exclusive group of elite specialized shooters who can consistently hit a target 50 meters distant. The art of being a sniper has taught her the discipline of staying still, blending with the tree, remaining put all day if need be, ready to take her one shot at precisely the right instant.

Enter the yin side of Joni, the fluid dancer featured in ballroom dancing shows. As she sways for the camera with the grace of a professional, one realizes that here is an artist. More famously known for her exquisite voice as a singer of Latin Jazz and Brazilian melodies, bachelor Joni Feliciano is rated as one of the best Filipina musicians today. With six CD recordings and two Aliw awards, Joni has proven that creative talent combined with discipline are strategies for success.

In business, this lady exhibits style with her venture in the world of special events through Lark Entertainment. For over 10 years now, her group has handled the production of international clients who perform in the Philippines. What keeps her busiest these days, though, is her role in ABS-CBN Foundation’s Bantay Kalikasan projects. Her aim is to help protect the environment, especially marine life. By befriending the fishermen with her songs, Joni lures them into an awareness of how they can protect our seas. Her TV show on ANC features the environmentally friendly cleaning tips of socialites and other well-known personalities.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

My dad, Chito Feliciano, the dancer, the Olympic target shooter champion. He trained me in the Olympic discipline of swimming, archery and target shooting. He died in a plane crash when he was on a mission to organize the sniper contingent of the Philippine Armed Forces.

Which living person do you admire most?

Mikhail Gorbachev. He started a chain reaction that changed everything about Russia. Thanks in large part to him, there is no more Cold War .

What is your passion?

Music. My two nephews. We have these swashbuckling fencing matches in full costume. They are the only ones who can make me cry.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

I am very confrontational. I want disputes out in the open so I go to the people I have a problem with or call them up.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

My being very confrontational.

What film influenced your life?

Joan of Arc
, my namesake. My friends and family call me the warrior. I think I have the heart of a warrior.

What is your most fervent wish?

For people to stop suffering.

What book influenced your life?

Spiritual Teachings in Tibet
. This series of 10 books is like my bible.

What is your greatest fear?

Inflicting emotional pain on anyone.

Which hero of fiction can you most identify with?

Wonder Woman

How do you start your day?

I look for my nephews, Aldo and Paolo. I live in Antipolo and sometimes go home at 4 a.m. from editing. When I get up at 11, I look at all the fruit-bearing trees around me – mangoes, santol, avocado.

Which historical character would you like to have been?

Audrey Hepburn. She went through the sufferings of her childhood and war with so much grace. She kept her beauty and her spirit.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

When my dad used to take me on helicopter rides to look at the setting sun.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Using my singing as a means to help raise funds and bring awareness to my environmental causes.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Spiritual contentment.

What do you look for in a man?

His spirit. He has to be courageous and at least as brave as I am.

Which living person do you most identify with?

Gina Lopez.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Strength. Endurance. Courage.

Which famous quotation would you have wanted to be the author of?

"To heal if I must, time be my friend."

What is your favorite journey?

My discovery of Africa in 1999 with my friend, Raquel Garcia. We went on a day and night safari. We stood in the hillside and started crying when we realized that we felt God’s presence everywhere.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Not knowing who you are.
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