What a difference Anton Rodriguez Mendoza makes

When a client asked Anton Mendoza to help the couple design the interiors of their home, Anton tried...then he had to tell them the truth. He could only help them, he said, if they built a new house, changed the floor plans and redid the entire structure. Two years later, the house in Forbes Park stands as proof that Anton’s passion for beauty is in his work.

Forty-two-year-old Anton Rodriguez Mendoza specializes in residential homes. With 30 employees working for his firm, ARM Interior and Architectural Company, Anton sees his mission as being the bridge between his clients and their dream house. He is internationally recognized for his art collection of paintings and artifacts, which he loans freely to clients and friends.

Currently busy with 12 projects, Anton reflects on how our world would be different if he were Adam. And on how people’s shoes can make or break the first impression.

On what occasion do you lie?

When I’m late.

Which living person do you admire most?

Fred Uytengsu. He has attained success without losing sight of his priority, which is his family. Lorenzo Tan always praises the good things that I do and practices humility.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

A Hollywood daytime soap opera actor whom I see four times a year. Love is an energy that does not stop.

What is your most fervent wish?

To live by God’s design. I want to know what my purpose on earth is.

Where would you like to go for a romantic evening?

To the highest point which is closest to Mount Everest in Nepal. I love spending New Year and Christmas in a spiritual place.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

When my secretary stole a big amount of money from me, I told her, "Thank you for allowing me to pay for my karma. I must have done something wrong and now I have passed the wrath of my wrongdoings on to you."

What exercise do you do?

Trainers come to my house. Boxing and abdominal classes, three times a week each. Then on to the gym in Inter-Continental Hotel.

Where would you like to live?

I love the energy of New York. It works. Whenever I go abroad, I cry when I come back here and see the airport. I am so disappointed with the souls that control this place.

What film influenced your life?

Sliding Doors.
A three-second decision can change your life.

What is your greatest fear?

Misreading the signs that I feel I am getting from God, and in the process making the wrong decisions.

What sounds do you love?

Flowing water. Waves.

What is your motto?

Be fearless. You can only attain this by cleansing and realizing that everything is a matter of destiny.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

Two weeks ago, I attended a meeting in my shop, Artemis, and met somebody who is a very good and pure soul. Amazing. It gives me hope that good souls still exist in our country at this time.

Which historical figure would you like to have been?

Adam. I’m gay so I wouldn’t be attracted to Eve and there is no way she could tempt me to eat the apple.

If you were to die, who or what would you like to come back as?

President Ferdinand Marcos. To have his brains without his greed would be great for our country.

What is your greatest extravagance?

A passion to collect art. My current focus is Claudio Bravo. At 11 years old, I bought my first painting, a Joya, by skipping lunch and recess for a whole year. While friends would go to shopping malls, I would go to The Luz Gallery.

What is the first thing you look at when you see a man or a woman?

Their shoes. For a man, I can determine his inner self, if he is a conservative or avante-garde. For a woman, her shoes tell me if she compromises fashion for comfort or beauty.

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