The Asean and China reach out with dreams of free trade
November 14, 2001 | 12:00am
The strong anti-terrorism joint declaration was not the most important event during the Nov. 5 to 6 summit of the leaders of 10 Asean countries with those of China, Japan and South Korea. The biggest news in Brunei with far-reaching impact on the global economy was the agreement to create the worlds biggest free trade area (FTA) between Asean and China within 10 years. This FTA will eclipse those of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the 15-nation European Union (EU) in size and potential wealth.
Established in 1967 during the Cold War era and once viewed as an anti-Communist alliance, Asean has six original members Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Four new members with less developed economies are Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.
The Sultan said that apart from the free trade area, Asean leaders also approved plans to build a massive railway from Singapore to Kunming City of China, as well as a trans-Asian highway connecting Asean nations to China. Sultan Bolkiah announced that the ambitious 5,500-kilometer railway project will cost US$2.5 billion, saying: "We reaffirmed the Singapore-Kunming railway link as a priority project, and endorsed the routes agreed by our ministers."
Philippine President Gloria Arroyo told the other Asean leaders the United States is unlikely to be a source of economic growth in the short-term, that Asean would need to explore other markets and strengthen trade and investment relations with other countries, especially China. She also proposed that China consider the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines/East Asean Growth Area (BIMP/EAGA) as a long-term supplier of fishery products, coconut and palm oil, tropical fruits and other food products.
Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong expressed pleasant surprise that other Asean leaders were ready to negotiate the Asean-China free trade area now, saying: "It shows confidence on Aseans part which is very important... Both sides also recognize the long-term geo-political benefits of locking friendly relations between China and Asean... The more interlocked the economies of China and Asean are, the better it is for the long-term friendship between China and Asean."
Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji said that although Asean leaders had set a 10-year target to achieve the ambitious Asean-China free trade area, he is confident this can be accelerated and attained within five years. Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Wang Ni said: "The proposed Asean-China free trade area will be a strong catalyst of economic development for the whole region. Experts from Asean and China forecast that this free trade area will increase exports by 50 percent, that it will add one percent annual growth to Asean gross domestic product (GDP), while adding 0.3 percent GDP growth to China every year."
When will the Asean political leaders end their inward-looking perspectives towards globalization? When will they end their seemingly endless and self-destructive domestic socio-political squabbles? When will they overhaul and modernize their once over-protected and commodities-dependent economies in order to meet the looming challenge of the dynamic China economy? Can the entrepreneurs of the region rise above the myopia and lack of political will which hobble most of their governments, in order to invest in world-class industries and to champion economic modernization of Asean? Can the regions entrepreneurs help accelerate mutually beneficial trade, investments and other economic exchanges within Asean? Can the mostly old-fashioned and paternalistic family enterprises throughout Asean aspire for new heights of success by becoming globally competitive and by boldly participating in the China economic boom?
Instead of seeing the China "economic miracle" as a threat, a growing number of Asean leaders and business people reject this idea. Cambodias Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh said: "We see China as a market, not a competitor."
Rodolfo Severino, the Filipino diplomat who serves as Secretary General of the Asean, said: "The drop of investments in Asean is not just because of China...We have to be careful about comparisons. There are different ways of measuring investment and you have to make sure you are comparing the same things. A lot of investments in China have come from Hong Kong and Taiwan which have a natural affinity, of course. What attracts investors to China is not so much the ability to export out of China, as the domestic Chinese market and the rapid growth of the middle class and changing consumer base."
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