What may be in the stars for the year
Mercury in Retrograde is upon us once again, since last Monday, April 10, to last till May 4. Those aware of Merc in Retro’s effect on communications and contracts, among other aspects of our lives, take astrological reckonings seriously, while some quarters scoff at the alleged “astro-babble” as akin to superstition.
The counter-view? Well then, just like religion. So let’s just say a man has to believe in something. Without the pomp, pelf and power, that is, nor any rites that can be seen as funny at best. No Vicar of the Cosmos enjoys rock-star status, no ayatollahs rule stringently over culture and gender.
While astrology also remains questionable to extreme rationalists, adherents still think there must be something to all those scientific calculations based on celestial motions. In any case, at present, other planets are in retrograde as well — that is, appearing to be going backwards.
Venus’ retrograde period actually ended a couple of days ago, on April 15. Romancers may take this to mean a possible return to their old haunts, heh-heh. But that’s only an amateurish cum amatory view from this pie-in-the-sky dabbler. Jupiter is in retro till June 9, and malefic Saturn until Aug. 25.
Like you, I’m in the dark as to the effects of all that retrograding. My surface knowledge only applies to dear old pal Mercury, which goes on retro frequently within a year, and whose influence affects our reliance on gizmos and the familiar practice of communications.
The Mercury Pre-Shadow Period started on March 27, at about the time a friend reported gadget glitches affecting her and a daughter. While Mercury goes direct on May 4, its Post-Shadow ends on May 19. As I understand it, the effects during the shadow periods aren’t as strongly felt as during the retro period proper.
Thank heavens that the 57th Silliman University National Writers Workshop will be conducted in Dumaguete from May 8 to 19, during the post-shadow play of the planet that rules rhymes and rubric. The young writing Fellows still ought to have a good time while receiving the invaluable literary torch.
Anyway, all this serves as a suitable intro to the purpose at hand, which is the promotion of the fascinating serial work of astrologer and author Resti H. Santiago. Now available in e-book format are his Astro Year 2017 and Medieval Astro-Clock 2017 (timing guide for selecting auspicious dates for major activities).
The founder of Astrology Friends Philippines, which aims to make astrology an integral part of Filipino culture, Santiago creates astrology tools and guides intended to give Filipinos an edge in the highly competitive 21st century.
He has been the main proponent of Medieval or Traditional Astrology in the Philippines. His training includes lessons from some of the most notable astrologer-authors in the world, in the fields of Medieval Astrology, Spiritual Astrology, Horary Astrology, Hellenistic and Electional Astrology, Mundane Astrology, and Financial Astrology.
I’ve received previous editions of his yearly Astro-Year forecasts in hardcopy, and have found them remarkably on point. Following are excerpts as teasers from his latest edition that’s only available as an e-book, starting with the chapter on “Forecasts for the Philippines for Astro-Year 2017”:
From July 2016 to July 2017, the profection of the Philippines falls on the 11th house of legislation, allies and our hopes and wishes as a country. This profection makes Moon in Virgo our ruler. Moon in general is connected with nurturance. Food security is one of the issues that the winner of the presidential election is going to tackle. Virgo is connected with grains. But instead of importing, improving the state of our farmers and the modernization of the agriculture sector should be our priority. Moon is conjunct Mars. Again this is associated with security, but with Mars the idea of defense becomes more prominent.
“As the year turns, new focus and challenges present themselves to us. As stated in Astro-Year 2016, the focus of early 2016 was the 10th house, which was very apt as we had an election. Despite that, the issue on leadership is not over yet, because the ruler of the 10th house is in the 12th house and the 12th house becomes prominent this Astro-Year 2017. It’s a process and is never a one-way highway. The people elected their leaders but a working relationship with each other must be established. A platform of feedback and communication is also required.
“… The 11th house is about the wishes and dreams of the Filipino people. So how do Filipinos define their leaders? The Sun, which is traditionally associated with the King, is in the sign of Cancer and in the 11th house. This means that Filipinos want a leader who is caring, maternal and family-oriented. If real communication is not achieved, the 12th house effect will try to assert itself after July 4, 2017, when the 12th house profection kicks in. (‘Profection’ is a forecasting technique.)
“Other 11th house matters include the Senate, Congress and perhaps the Constitution itself. The legislative body will be asked to immediately decide on many important matters. For the greater part of 2017, more drama will be in the legislative branch of government.
“Sun and Saturn are in the 11th house of the country’s chart. The nature of these two planets is contrary to each other. … This indicates that the Senate may not be able to do much in this period. There will be lots of distraction that will keep them from making new laws. Its leadership may face problems. It things are not handled properly, there will be a new Senate President or a new House leader in 2018.”
Relations with China and the USA, Benham Rise, terroristic activities, earthquakes, and the economy are also discussed, as in this wise:
“Take the case of the unemployment numbers. January’s figure is 6.6 percent, much higher from 2016’s 5.7 percent. This should be considered as a warning sign that perhaps the priorities our leaders have set their eyes upon should be re-examined. Economic woes escalate when the 12th house is activated. Based on this factor, optimism in the stock market will turn negative by July onwards. The worst part of this may be economic slowdown that will be reflected in lower GDP. 2017 is thus a very critical period.”
The chapter on “Transits on the Philippines’ Chart” cites specific dates corresponding to Planetary Positions and Basic Interpretation, such as regarding “major challenges to our leaders; debt issues in the news; transformation of relationship with another country; positive development about natural resources; digging of secrets that can be detrimental to some politicians (on Nov. 28)”; and among many others, “a certain truth will come out (on Dec. 3).”
The chapter on “Influences on Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant” says: “The 7th house is called the house of open enemies.” Here, senators Trillanes and De Lima are mentioned, as well as Matobato, Lascañas, and Rep. Alejano. Then the following:
“In December 2017, President Duterte has Jupiter at the top of his chart, which speaks of public support for him. However, in early 2018 Saturn will work on his chart, hitting his planets one by one. The first to be affected is Saturn itself. Transiting Saturn will oppose his natal Saturn. Generally, this can indicate that hindrances or opposition against him will be at its peak.”
Financial Astrology, Corporate Astrology, and astrological factors bearing on the PSE are also dwelt upon, with mention of specific companies and an IPO Watch chart anent a particular company choosing a retrograde period to embark on one.
The chapter “The VP as Venus Rising” has the following:
“The chart of Leni Robredo is that of a simple, family-oriented and principled person. She is ruled by Saturn, a superior planet that rules the chart of leaders. If this reminds us of President Cory, astrology confirms the similarity of their nature and perhaps of their destiny as well, as they have the same ascendant sign. Coincidentally, both President Duterte and VP Leni’s ascendant sign is ruled by Saturn.
“His ascendant sign is unorthodox Aquarius while her ascendant sign is down-to-earth and hardworking Capricorn.
The working relationship between the president and the Vice President can be promising as both have the same Venus; perhaps this will manifest as common or shared interest in policies affecting women. This is the good part.
“However, there are also indicators that they will eventually be at odds on other matters. The Ascendant sign of VP Leni falls in the 12th house of President Duterte. This means inability to see eye-to-eye on most matters. The ultra-masculine energy of combined Aquarius ascendant and Aries Sun sign of President Duterte will translate into an iron-hand presidency that can indeed be bloody, just as he proclaimed. Aquarius can be amoral while Aries is dictatorial.
“The good thing about the Mars/Aries influence is the possibility of heavy industrialization under Duterte’s reign, which aims to start with the revival of the country’s steel industry. Steel is ruled by Mars.”
Intrigued yet? For inquiries, you may email Resti Santiago at Filipinoastrologer@gmail.com.