Five Filipino artists at Art Space@Helutrans, Singapore

“Horse Play” by Anthony Palomo

MANILA, Philippines - Art Sentral Asia presents “Beyond Borders 2014: A Celebration of Filipino Art,” which opens on March 20, 6:30 p.m. at Art Space @ Helutrans, Singapore. The show runs until March 31.

The show is a collaboration featuring five Filipino artists Andoi Solon, Anthony Palomo, Welbart, Don Salubayba, and CJ Tañedo.

The 13 new works of the five artists provide an overview of the diverse and rich visualizations, experiences and concepcions of the self, space, territoriality and interiority.

Solon’s  works underline his aesthetic sensibilities. The figurations are depicted using a monochrome palette. His plow motif reminds viewers of the literary power of visual art to tell a story.

Palomo’s works veer into a whimsical pictorial view of wooden figures unfolding their symbolical relevance that is a reflection of childhood.

Welbart uses human naked forms to take viewers to a journey about hope in life, faith, fate, passion and wishes.

Salubayba’s works are photo transfers juxtoposed with painterly collaboration with gravity. He works with subjects of myth, legends and anectodes mashed up with historical and current events. 

Tañedo’s paintings are a mixture of realism, impressionism, expressionism, symbolism delving into harmonious memories both good and bad.

For inquiries, call +65 9734-4839 or e-mail

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