In thanksgiving for art
Even if a person is unaware of his own yearning, every human being is constantly engaged in the pursuit of lasting happiness, profound peace, and unconditional love. — Gurumayi Chidvilasananda
And so we live each day with lofty ideas in our minds, our hearts set on finding our own fairytale, complete with its happy ending. But then, somewhere along the way, life sets in. Days drag on and time relentlessly marches forward. We find ourselves right in the middle of this valley of tears, wondering, perplexed, how did situations get so difficult? How do I change? What can I do to make life’s reality more like that which I envision in the deepest recesses of my being? How can my secret wish of a life lived with passion and inspiration truly come to fruition?
I heard it the other day on public radio: “When the imagination is stronger than the reality perceived — Art happens.” A musician said it. I heard it distinctly and an inner ding resounded inside me. Yes, that is what art is. It is true for music and it is true for all the branches of art.
“When imagination is stronger than reality — Art happens.” This is how I feel whenever I paint, taking brush in hand; reality is then experienced, flowing through my eyes, my being, and it comes out from my hands onto the canvas. Every day, a little more, a stroke here, a color there, and things get finished. And while the paintings are taking form, they in turn are forming me and transforming me, and the way I see things. Life takes on a sacred communion. There develops a relationship between me and what I see and what is unseen, but that which I feel. For we do live in two worlds: one that we can measure and the other which we can feel.
So in this journey of life, Art has been a constant friend and teacher to me. She has instructed me as no one else can. Guiding me gently through my inner senses, she shows me how the roller coaster ride of daily experience is not necessarily the dictator of my days. Instead, bliss and joy are readily available. You make it, you create it. You do not have to wait for outside circumstances to take a turn for the better, an undercurrent of joy becomes visible to you as you release your creativity.
This is how I have lived my life creating art from day to day, without realizing that my paintings were creating a life for me. They were opening doors where there were none before. And they carried me to places I had always dreamed of when I shut my eyes. A thousand thanks to kindred spirits who have helped me along this path. Life was becoming as I imagined it.
The reason I write this article today is one of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving to Art and all the beauty it has shown me. It is also one of offering, as a way to inspire others who may be in need of just that. It is also an invitation to share the blessings of art and all that one can learn from it. It is truly food for the soul and its nourishment knows no limit.
So even if life may sometimes be a valley of tears, it shall touch you not. So the days may drag on, but you shall never grow weary. If you can discover within yourself that river of bliss that is there when you decide to create something from nothing, may you forever be blessed by art. For she has been a kind of handmaiden of God for me, making me believe that anything is possible for I have seen so many miracles happen along this way.
Surely, there must be something glistening luminous inside every one of us, because we are God’s works of art.
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The author, visual artist Mia Herbosa, will have a solo exhibition from Nov. 23 to Dec. 23 at Silverlens’ SLab and 20Square, 2320 Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City. There will be an artist talk on Nov. 26 from 3 to 5 p.m.