The European sojourn of Elaine Herbosa, Pilar Quiros and Margie Villonco

“Villa de Herra, The Castle at Lenno” by Elaine Herbosa

MANILA, Philippines - L’A rc en Ciel Atelier artists Elaine Herbosa, Pilar Quiros and Margie Villonco, who recently attend an oil painting workshop in Italy, present their artworks in “Glimpses of Faraway Place (A European Sojourn),” which opens on Jan. 23 at Ayala Mueum’s ArtistSpace.

Featured are the works produced in the cool, misty autumn in Lenno and the other picture-pretty towns around Lake Como. The three artists’ recent works feature the happy marriage of classical realism (the style they were trained in) and impressionism (Fresia style).

Elaine came across the Fresia Studios website ( When the three artists arrived in Lenno, along Lake Como, they beheld this dreamlike 16th century castle (Villa de Herra) which housed them for the one-week workshop.

It was popsicle-orange in its contemporary renovated form, and had a perfect view of the calm lake and the pretty towns lining its shores. Sailboats and ferries brought tourists and townfolks to Bellagio, Tremezzo, Varenna, Menaggio, Gravedonna (central area) and in the northern part were Laglio (where George Clooney lives!), Cernobbio, Como (known for the finest silk and porcelain), and tucked away sites and castles along the lake (like Villa Balbaniello).

Jerry Fresia, the studio’s impressionism mentor, set up apples in front of them and said, “These are not apples, don’t think apples! Think visual sensations, line, tone and color.”

They were made to draw in charcoal first on the canvas, creating a rhythm to limber-up their fingers, and get the movement of the composition. Then seemingly just like a dress rehearsal, they were asked to completely brush off with a velvet cloth what they had drawn in charcoal, and to now repeat the process using pure oils (no medium).

Construction lines first, using a neutral color like a warm gray. Then onto the under-painting with full colors using a method called scumbling, beginning with the darks then onto the middles, leaving the lights open. Then back to line or “reconstruction” darker and surer lines. And finally, a return to color, this time releasing the colors in open separate strokes, again moving from dark to light. And finally, at the very end, painting into the lights. Paint on happily on the “orgasmic side of your brain” (this put a smile on all of the participants’ faces). Jerry said, “Remember you are doing this for your own enjoyment, so no stress, just happily lay on the paint.” 

In between classes would be an interesting array of Italian gastronomic delights prepared by Jerry’s lovely wife Conchitina, who organizes the workshops. Aside from the welcome reception and the farewell lunch, there was also dinner al fresco with a breathtaking view of the lake by candlelight.

The ArtistSpace show reveals the immediate aftermath of their workshop experience.

Pilar’s colors are brave and vibrant as seen in “Venezia.” The colorful old palazzi is reflected on the canal’s waters as a gondola parks on the rear.

Margie’s “No. 6 Chemins de Lisieux” reveals her penchant for details as she renders the entry to their gracious host Madame Gloria Perret’s home in Lyon.

Elaine’s “Apples,” is serenely simple but clearly portrays the impressionism learned there. Upon seeing this painting, her daughter Mia, an award-winning artist, requested Elaine not to sell it at the show, as Mia wanted it for her own. From one artist to another, this is a great compliment.

It was an unforgettable experience for Herbosa, Quiros and Villonco. And in this age of the Internet and modern technology at one’s fingertips, painting pictures (as distinguished from taking pictures) was a more meaningful process, connecting them deeply to distant places. The artists actually had their feet on Lombardy soil while painting alla prima these canvases that would be their treasure chest to bring home.

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“Glimpse of Faraway Places (A European Soujourn)” opens on Jan. 23 at ArtistSpace, second floor, Glass Wing, Ayala Museum, at the corner of Makati Ave. and Dela Rosa St., Makati City. The show is on view until Feb. 7. For information, call Tenten Mina of Ayala Museum at 757-7117 or SMS Elaine O. Herbosa at 0917-8901219.

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