Last call for Design Lab entries

MANILA, Philippines - Electrolux Philippines, in cooperation with the international Design Lab contest, is holding a local competition in search of the best in local industrial design innovation.

Design Lab is open to undergraduate and graduate industrial design students with innovative ideas for household appliances of the future. This year, design students are asked to create home appliances that will shape how people prepare and store food, wash clothes, and do dishes over the next nine decades. Deadline for entries is on May 31.

Students should register at send their entries, as well as send a copy of their design to Electrolux Philippines marketing communications assistant, Jarmine Borja, e-mail

Electrolux will be offering great prizes and special awards, such as P50,000 worth of appliances for the most innovative design ideas. Also, professors from the schools of industrial engineering, fine arts and industrial design will be given P50,000 worth of appliances for the greatest number of contest participants among their students.

Local entries will be judged by the same international jury who will be presiding over the Electrolux 2009 Design Lab global competition. A local event will then showcase the winner and all the participating entries.

For information  about  Electrolux’s  lifestyle  and environmentally-friendly  appliances,  call its customer care trunk line at 845-CARE (2273) or  domestic  toll-free  number  1-800-10-845-CARE  (2273).  Or visit

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