San Agustin Museum launches Urdaneta exhibition

MANILA, Philippines - As tribute to his life and works, and in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of his birth, the San Agustin Museum through the Urdaneta 500 Philippine Commission headed by Fr. Pedro Galende, OSA, will launch an exhibit titled “The Adventurous Journey of Fray Andres de Urdaneta.”

The inaugural rites will be held on April 24, 5:30 p.m., at the Sala de la Capitulacion in San Agustin Church, Intramuros Manila, with guests of honor Luis Arias, Spanish Ambassador; Don Jose Miguel Santamaria, Mayor of Ordizia, Spain; NCCA chairman Vilma Labrador; and Mayor of Urdaneta City Amadeo Perez, Jr. 

Fr. Galende, museum director of San Agustin and head of the Urdaneta 500 Philippine Commission, stated that the historical exhibit is one-of-a-kind with the hall of the oldest monastery   converted into a galleon ship. “The exhibit will be visually-appealing as visitors get a taste and feel of how explorers like Urdaneta lived and carried out sea expeditions to explore new continents, trade and fulfill religious missions” he stated.

Maps and photos of various explorers who preceded Urdaneta will also be seen during the exhibit showcasing the discovery of new lands and wealth for Europe. Authentic artifacts, nautical instruments, spices, food and rich treasures of the east will be on display.

 A point of interest is a life-size statue of Urdaneta and depiction of his travel to Mexico, a city then rich in beautiful baroque monasteries and churches built by the Augustinians. It was during this time that Urdaneta found a solution to his deep spiritual crisis when he became an Augustinian. It was at this time that he was commissioned by the King of Spain to find the “tornaviaje,” a direct route from Manila to Mexico and consequently start the galleon trade to spread Christianity in the Philippines. The Sto. Niño statue found by the explorers in Cebu when they arrived on April 28, 1565, will also be on display.

The life of Fray Andres Urdaneta, documented in a book written by Jose Ramon de Miguel, titled Urdaneta and His Times shall be launched as well during the exhibit.

Culminating the celebration is a formal inauguration of Fray Andres’ Urdaneta’s monument in the Plaza of Urdaneta City in Pangasinan on April 25 with Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arryo gracing the occasion, with special guest Don Jose Miguel Santamaria, mayor of Ordizia, Spain, the birthplace of Urdaneta.

For inquiries, contact San Agustin Museum at 527-4060, 526-6794, or 526-6793.

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