Recent works by a living master
March 7, 2005 | 12:00am

Taken from the catalog of Kiukok: Recent Works 2000-2004 which I had the privilege and pleasure to pen, the above quoted introduction is a summation of how fortunate we are to be able to enjoy the art of the legendary Ang Kiukok.
In 1954, Kiukok embarked on his first one-man show. Some 50 years later, he celebrates the start of his sixth decade as a professional artist with Kiukok: Recent Works 2000-2004. Albeit an exhibition-only show, this retrospective showcases the best of Kiukoks works from the past five years.
Held last Feb. 25, the opening was a gathering of Kiukoks friends, collectors, admirers and perhaps most importantly, his family.
"Although continuing many of his familiar themes such as Harvests and Windows, he has also ventured into some works with more abstractions such as Potted Plant and revisited some of his mentor Manansalas cubist style. In spite of the fact that his people are still bald with an almost skeletal quality, his Lovers now share some joy in their union as they are surrounded in pastel colors of light blue and pink. Mother and Child no longer depict the pain and sacrifice of motherhood instead reflecting the warmth of love and joy Dictated by how he sees the world, Kiukok has always portrayed his visions on canvas. In an earlier time, when he seemingly had little hope or faith in mankind, he would paint sad clowns, mothers suffering for their children, and people fighting like animals. Emaciated Christs were crucified and a dark Darwinian terrain reflected the hoplessness of his angst-ridden world. In recent years however, there has been an apparent mellowing Maybe a renewal of some faith in man? Or perhaps it is just a necessary reaction to the mother of all that brings joy into life his family."
It is very rare to have an opportunity to see the quality of art that is now on exhibit at the Art Center as all these pieces come from private collections and are almost never publicly exhibited. This rare chance to have a glimpse at some of the best works of a true living legend in the art world is an absolute must for any art lover or aficionado as it is a microcosm of the artists body of work from recent years. Showcasing the best of the best, this exhibit is a definitive demonstration of Kiukoks mastery of his medium and an irrefutable display of his boundless talent. It is certainly an occasion for the public that may not be repeated for years to come.
Having spent some time with Kiukok these past few years, I see a man who is far more at peace than his early years. He enjoys spending time with his granddaughter and taking the time to go on vacations, finally having the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his success and results of years of hard work. It is truly wonderful that such a deserving man finally has the time to benefit from the many joys that he has shared with others all his life.
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