The compatible ‘gang’

In the movie Kung Fu Panda, a bumbling lovable panda named  Master Ping Xiao Po went off to his journeys from the Valley of Peace, a land in ancient China. He was accompanied by his gang of animal friends called the Furious Five. Comprising the gang were Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Viper and Mantis. While there are really only two animals aligned with the Chinese horoscope, the interesting thing is their “gang” was out there to support each other, and most especially Po, in all their adventures.

As the Chinese Rat year begins, it would be nice to check one’s own animal sign (the year you were born). Horoscopes, which means the transits of the planets/heavens and the effects on this on humankind, tell the story of one’s energetic influences on the planet and people. Horoscopes are wisdom “technologies” or support practices to align humankind’s path to their own true spiritual and consciousness journeys in this material earth, as our souls move within a physical body in this linear space and time dimension. It has been wisdom passed and studied through the ages, in all cultures from the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Babylonians, Peruvians, Mayan, Aztecs, Chinese, and Hindu traditions. 

In this time where quantum science is opening up new data followed by understanding on energy levels, frequency in light and sound, vibrational fields, particles in sub-atomic level, it would be good for everyone, skeptics to horoscopes, astrology and such energetic reading formats included, to just read a little on this. The knowledge and understanding of these “wisdom techonologies” is important for daily life so we can be guided on harnessing the energies that are compatible, and not bring ourselves into disharmony with energies that are incompatible, with ours.

All horoscopes, no matter the culture, look to the heavens: reading the zodiacal position of planets, stars, comets and constellations during the time of birth of a person to identify the destiny, personality, and energetic impulses.

Chinese astrology is so much deeper than just the animal signs just as Western astrology is really more than just birth signs. Both carry deep philosophical spiritual wisdom if understood correctly. Chinese astrology merges the duality principle of Yin-Yang, Taoism, and the five Elements of the earth. To avoid confusion in this complexity of relationships and combinations, I will keep this article focused on the “Animal gang” as this is what is easy to check for one’s own harmonious combinations.

I have oversimplified and summarized some general information following.

The Chinese Zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, is based on a 12-year cycle, each year in that cycle related to an animal sign. It is calculated according to Chinese lunar calendar, and is guided by the moon and the planet Jupiter. The ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig, and dog are six of the main domestic animals raised by Chinese people. The other six animals: rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, and monkey are all loved by the Chinese people.  These animals in numbers of three, form gangs based on their compatible energies under groupings called Protectors, Diplomats, Thinkers and Competitors. To find your gang, check on your birth year that is ruled by one animal each.

The Protectors group includes the good-natured calming Dog; energetic, dynamic, wild Tiger; and strategic Horse. These are the free spirits of the zodiac — emotional, subjective, highly principled, abrupt and impatient. They tend to protect their family, friends and the oppressed.

The Diplomats are the clear-sighted and strategic Rabbit, generous and gentle Goat, and powerful Pig. They are people open to collaboration, discreet and low-key. Usually they are sensitive, compassionate, sociable and want to please everyone. They do not engage in high-risk operations, and are not particularly witty or clever. But they provide tender care to one another.

The Thinkers triad includes the cunning, ambitious and charming diplomatic Snake; sturdy and reliable Ox; and the open, flexible Rooster. They are at once visionaries and pragmatists. They are thoughtful, confidential, determined, persistent, resolute, and generally have impressive skills and a strong personality.

The Competitors triad includes the courageous, confident but stubborn Dragon, cunning Monkey, and intelligent, opportunistic but slightly insecure Rat. These are all individuals focused on action, competition, positivity and determination.

One special information that I learned from a fellow star-reader is that of the Shadow Animal sign that each of us has. This is the hidden animal, whose traits we manifest during times of challenges, crisis and difficulty. It is also that other person in your life who rises up to help you, challenge you to become better and who supports your own journey to help strengthen you. To know your personal Shadow Animal, check out the animal ruling the exact time of your birth.

Study the people around you in the same triad but keep in mind to add on all their Shadow Animals. Then your compatible gang will be complete. These are just guides really, but help with the most basic harmonies we can attempt to work for in daily life.


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