Energy manipulation
There is a new currency. It’s called “energy.” In my circle, there is much talk about charging technology gadgets for energy, especially if majority of those in discussion are communicators, writers and all-around connectors. Then my other circle speaks of energy akin to vitality. These are my friends who are yogi, healers and others sensitive to the fluctuations of the ethers around and inside them.
Personal energy today is central to well-being — how we manage it and how it affects us. We need to be conscious of managing our personal energies vis-à-vis the energies of the environment and society around us because our lifestyle is terribly unsustainable: too much stress; work-life balance is off; chronic sicknesses are coming, which are either caused by the toxins found in the food we eat, air we breath or the water we drink. Add to this the stress caused by the congested environment and the attachments we have to goals that include profit-making, or even financial survival, and even the attempt to balance our own issues that arise in the relationships of our lives. The challenges are so much that we say…how do we even begin to clean up?
Let’s look at the following quotients: The physical, vitality for longevity, our emotions, our mental and spiritual dimensions. We should focus in these five areas of life, and not just one or two.
We can find balance in our physical body by energetic movement so the life force can break blocks to give more vitality, which is the second quotient. Vitality in life is energy that is positive productive, life-giving, happy and dynamic. It is what gives us the zest for life. It is one of the secrets to longevity. Energy put into the emotional quotient means that we need to heal our subconscious traumas, fears and all other negativities. In other words, let’s take responsibility for our negative projections to other people or events and see that if we invest positive energy in our emotions, then we are balancing this part.
Our mental energies direct the constructive changes we want in our life. We think with intention and thought forms create the reality in our lives — this is if we are not blocked there with fear, insecurities or even “small-minded” thoughts, which can be so selfishly directed. Mental energies being balanced can also mean seeing innovation and creative changes in life bringing positive shifts that in turn will affect not only our businesses but also relationships and other things we do for social and environmental causes for society.
The fifth quotient often forgotten is the spiritual. When we shift the perspective that everything in this life is transient, that the world we are in now is always changing, that nothing is permanent, we bring our consciousness or our mindsets into something higher than just our personality and daily life. There is something greater beyond us — God, the universe. This belongs in the spiritual realm. And here is the secret: the spiritual realm is where energy resides. So, to be effective, we must dive deep inside ourselves to find this spiritual handle and this will open us up to ways of handling our energies. Deep awareness and introspection to our own being-ness is a spiritual focus. Deep absorption in beauty, with nature, with the universe, is spiritual focus. Through the deep dive, or the transcendence of our minds beyond thinking of our mundane life, we are already attempting to touch the spiritual.
There are times we really cannot do it just by ourselves, especially raising of our physical energies when we are just plainly tired, stressed and “low-bat.” We need outside help that can manipulate energies towards higher “vibrations” of peace and balance. I have always been very watchful of my energy levels. And I know when I need help to raise my vibrations. But I have been wiser in choosing who it is I allow into my energy field to touch, heal or massage me.
Sometimes, these random massages we get around from masseurs transfer lower or negative energies to our bodies. Energy they carry in their hands, reflecting their own personal levels, or worst, carry the energy of the previous person they massaged is transferred to us if we are not careful!
My personal list has been short but tested through time. And I have gathered them around me within easy reach at our ECHOyoga Shala. Peter Wong and his wife Bing use reflexology on the body and the feet. Peter is a healer and works with subtle energy flows, revitalizing the body so that the natural internal healing mechanisms of the body can respond and do their work more effectively. He has cured people who have had cancer, worked with stroke patients and healed a variety of illnesses. Peter combines this with ventosa therapy. Mac Cueto is my certified acupuncturist for detoxification and anti-aging! He is also a Reiki Master with a doctorate in Metaphysics and a certified naturopath. For alignment of my bones, and to get energy flowing unhampered, Dr. George Cromack is my chiropractor, trained for sports injuries and perfect to have at the yoga shala. Manipulation of energy to move it to balance, flow and vitality is crucial in our world today. Let’s just get help from therapists and practitioners in the healing arts who have positive energies, too!
(All healers and therapists can be reached at ECHOyoga Shala, call 956-7119 or 0906-5063958 for appointments.)