27 ways to inner change & outer action
When we hear the word “spirituality†we think it is something “out there†or “up there.†What we are beginning to understand as we slowly awaken in ourselves and our world is that spirituality is so part of our daily lives. Perhaps what I should instead say is that our challenge is how to ground spirituality in our lives... in the rough tumble and grind of our stress-filled world peppered by relationships, our work, our desires.
I like the guidance that yoga philosophy gives. Firstly because we are made up of many “bodies†called “kleshas.†We need to watch all these and learn to discipline them, too! Our body (physical body), our emotions (emotional body) and our minds (mental body) need to constantly be filled with positive light, positive energy. But because of all the toxins, negative energies of the world brought on by people themselves who are asleep to their soul purpose, we need to be consciously awake and clean up! Literally be LIGHT!
Here are 27 ways of bringing spirituality into your daily life.
1. Breathe slowly and from deep into the belly, this will make you more patient in your actions.
2. Happy thoughts will bring a smile to your face.
3. Wishing people well will make them think kindly of you.
4. Dreaming big inside will make you aware of all the possibilities and opportunities in your life.
5. Mindfully watching your thoughts arise will give you a sharper perception of knowing the meaning of events and people that you attract to yourself.
6. Keeping a peaceful heart will radiate a beautiful aura around you.
7. Finding the will to change yourself for the better will present a constructive will to want to change the world for the better.
8. Keeping your energies open and positive will attract like-minded people to you.
9. Disciplining your emotions will reflect wisdom in your choices, actions and decisions.
10. Think health and you can say “no†to those empty calories and desserts.
11. Transform negative emotions inside by taking a walk in nature.
12. Transform mindless chatter in your mind by reading a philosophy book or the bible.
13. Go vegetarian a couple of days a week and make the earth cleaner.
14. Choose to live in a chemical-free home and lessen the toxins dumped on our soils and water.
15. Read about the lives of inspirational people and choose a trait of theirs you can follow, you yourself may inspire another person.
16. Wake up with gratitude and your day will be lighter.
17. Go to bed with gratitude and your sleep will be deeper.
18. Control your passions and you can control your destiny.
19. Transform fears in small doses and courage to pursue anything you want will be yours.
20. Think of your parents and siblings as individual souls journeying through their own lessons of life and your relationship with them will be better.
21. Try not to be too hard on yourself and life will look lighter.
22. Identify one major issue in your life now, stay with it, understand it, transform it. You will face life more whole.
23. Feeling lonely? Reach out and really relate, a deeper friendship and understanding will develop with another person.
24. Choose to get up and move your body and an exercise routine will slowly develop.
25. Develop spiritual muscles for inner grounding and petty politics, egos and desires will suddenly lessen in meaning and intensity.
26. Love yourself for who you are and real people will understand and love you back in your authenticity.
27. Surrender to a Higher Force and you will have a personal relationship with your God or however way you define your God to be.