Mayor Len Alonte-Naguiat • The lady from Laguna

MANILA, Philippines - At first glance, one might probably credit Biñan City Mayor Marlyn “Len” Alonte-Naguiat’s success to mere charm and lineage (she is daughter to the city’s former mayor Bayani Arthur Alonte). But a look at her track record proves otherwise. Yes, this lady from Laguna has so much more to offer other than her pedigreed surname — or her winsome smile.

The baby-faced Len, who just won her last term as mayor, is definitely no neophyte in politics. Her first post in public service was won in 1998, when she became the leading municipal councilor of Biñan. She has also served as vice mayor in 2004, before finally becoming the city’s youngest and first female mayor in 2007.

While 15 years of experience is nothing to sneeze at, it’s but the tip of the iceberg for Len. For starters, she managed to unite all parties in Biñan, eliminating the opposition through leadership by example. “People always say that politicians are corrupt, but when you show them that you’re not, that’s when you win their trust,” she explains.

The charming city mayor was also able to fulfill her calling to “restore Biñan to its previous glory.” From being a lackluster municipality, Biñan was finally elevated to city status through a plebiscite in 2010. Len claims that it was one of the proudest moments of her life.

Her doors are also ever so open to her constituents — never closing shop, so to speak. “I have a ‘no cut-off’ policy, this means that as long as there are people going to my office, no matter what the time is, they have to be accommodated,” she says. “I was, after all, elected to be mayor 24/7. There’s no such thing as office hours,” she adds.

Needless to say, Len is a busy woman. This fact rings true even outside the city hall. When not busy being a mayor, she shifts her gears to become a hands-on mom. “I attend PTA meetings, graduation ceremonies and every occasion that is important to my children,” says the doting mother of Nicolas Antonio (eight) and Marian Isabel (three). Len, married to businessman Steve Naguiat, also jokes that had it not been for politics, she would really aspire to have around six children. “But as of now, all I can have is one after every election,” she jokes good-naturedly.

Len also admits that prior to politics, she dreamt of many other things. As a young girl, it was either being a doctor or a nun. As a young lady, it was being a happy wife and mother, just taking care of the husband and kids. “I was really hesitant to be a politician at first. I saw how busy my father was, how we always missed him. I don’t want that for my children,” she firmly declares.

Soon, Len realized that aside from her own family, she also needed to be the mother of the whole city she serves. Nothing can ever dampen her vision for her constituents. “Sometimes I get disappointed, tired even. But when I ran for public office, I knew that public trust had to be earned, that it would be a never-ending challenge of reaching out to people — and showing them that you lead by example,” she concludes.



 Photography by MAU AGUASIN • Creative direction and styling by LUIS ESPIRITU JR. • Makeup by RB CHANCO • Hairstyling by ANGEL • Both dresses by FRANCIS LIBIRAN • Jewelry by MILADAY JEWELS  • Shot on location at the RAFFLES POOL AREA

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