The healing effects of sound

There are sounds that heal and sounds that irritate and make us more stressed. There is noise pollution and there are healing frequencies. The city’s noise of screeching cars and sirens, air conditioners’ hums, senseless or even negative talk and chattering, and other machine-technology vibrations harm us not only physically but can bring our energy levels down because they affect our central nervous system. This results in stress, a feeling of fatigue and at worst, depression. Contrast this to the sounds of nature as you walk by the seashore or a garden, even a rainforest. Or the sound of silence (yes, there is a vibrational hum), where access to the universal hum is possible. These are healing sounds that rejuvenate our physical bodies and spirits.
Almost two decades back, I was studying the Monroe Institute’s vibrational frequencies that were scientifically studying the levels of sound that can bring people to altered states of consciousness. It was a home study course where the use of daily cassette tapes guided me into various levels of inner consciousness, which were clearly defined. Today, such meditation and sound CDs are easily available in the market and online. They aid in sleep, meditation, deeper insighting and inner visual co-creation. Medical doctors and psychologists help and support this kind of music and sound vibrations because of the powerful healing therapy that sound offers.
A decade back, I had the opportunity to meet this very gifted inventor in Milan, Italy. He had created a sound equipment set within a room, which he was marketing as an equipment to better help neuro-linguistic educational capacity. He made me try the system and I never forgot the experience. Musical sound vibrations were coming from all over the room as sound waves enveloped me. Then I found myself in a cosmic space of the universe filled with this throbbing silence and peace. Yes a vibrational field of love is what I called it. I remember thinking then… if this is death, then I want to stay here. It was such a beautiful experience that brought tears to my eyes. All of 15 minutes later as we sat to talk about it, I told him that here was a tool to bring people to that altered state of consciousness, of which spiritual journeys dream of as enlightenment, awakening, satori or Samadhi — call it by whatever name. But it was the experience of being enveloped by this cosmic love and harmony of the universe. There was only love and deep, deep peace.
His response was that they were actually secretly using this for healing therapies for people and working with psychologists and psychic-healers. But he was selling the sound system for either home theater-use or neuro-linguistic support for education. My other friend who went through the same experience of the machine felt spirit beings and black birds crashing on glass panes, blood dripping, etc. Obviously she had some major repressed subconscious issues to deal with!
The power of sound when used for healing can attune the mind-body-spirit with healing frequencies intended to release blockages from the body, and stimulate an alignment of meridians to balance the flow of energy and activate energy centers to facilitate the healing process.
Today, as we try to balance ourselves and elevate our own personal energies, there are so many ways we can use sound. Listening to nice soothing music at the end of the day brings us back to our center. Chanting, “om-ing” or humming like a bee can also raise the body vibrations. Also, the immersion with nature offers a rich, ready and free access to healing. It has also been said that the deepest healing sound of all is the quiet deep wave drone of the ocean. In this Age of Aquarius, science will begin to explain the various phenomena of nature, our inner world, outer galaxies and other unseen forces. It’s actually already happening with all the cutting-edge and pioneering researches being made in the field of consciousness and science. With sound, and understanding vibrational frequencies, we have the techniques and therapies to elevate ourselves to be happier, lighter and more joyful. When we can’t seem to get things right by our own efforts, let’s use the technology of sound and vibrations to bring us back to our center and ascend!