Soy be with you

Soybeans, or taho as we know it, had always been a favorite of mine since childhood. Mamang Taho, that’s how I fondly referred to the taho vendor when he would pass by our street every day at 5 p.m. I would wait by the gate with my yaya to get my serving of taho.

Little did I know that what I had been eating every day was not only great tasting but very healthy as well.

Soybeans are a part of the legume family and can be grown in different soil types and a variety of climates.  For over thousands of years, soybeans have been a great protein source for millions of people. A whole bean can contain an average of 37 percent of protein and dietary fiber. Soy protein is the only vegetable whose protein is complete. This soy protein has an ability to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. In fact, based on research, last October 1999, the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has approved the cholesterol-lowering effects for soy-based foods, saying that “25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease.”

Soy has a lot of health benefits and they mainly come from two components of soybeans: soy proteins and isoflavones.

Soy protein are of a very high quality since it contains all essential amino acids and is a great source of natural antioxidants such as lecithin and Vitamin E. Furthermore, soy is rich in magnesium which helps in the health of bones, hearts and arteries.

Better bone health

Studies have suggested that soy isoflavones may be a factor in helping bone health. The isoflavones seem to stop the breakdown of bones. In addition, soy protein can also indirectly improve bone health through better retention of calcium in bones when compared to diets high in animal protein.

Reduces hot flashes

Research data show that Asian women who consume soy-based foods experience less hot flashes as compared to Western women. Hot flashes are symptoms of menopause that is caused by low estrogen levels. Soy isoflavones can cover for the loss of estrogen through its estrogen-like effects.

Decreases the risk for heart diseases

It can be seen in reports that countries with a high consumption of soy products have lower rates of cardiovascular diseases. Soy protein may help prevent heart disease through the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoprotein a.k.a. bad cholesterol) and the prevention of the build up of plaque in arteries, which could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Helps prevent certain cancers

Many studies have indicated that the regular intake of soy products may help prevent hormone related cancers such as prostate, breast and colon cancers.

Helps manage body weight

People engaging in weight loss programs can take advantage of soy’s protein to attain the feeling of fullness and reduce their appetite and food intake. Furthermore, the recent concept of the Glycemic Index (GI) is gaining popularity. It is the rate at which carbohydrate-rich foods release glucose into the bloodstream. It is believed that the intake of low GI foods relates to faster weight reduction than a low-fat diet, decreases body fat and increases the feeling of fullness. Studies have shown that the intake of soy lowers the GI consumed foods.

Recently, I got to taste very good soymilk — My Soymilk’s melon flavor and creamy original. These are only two of the flavors they have.

My Soymilk is developed by Asia Soy Foods Manufactures, Inc. Built by health and soy enthusiasts, their aim is to provide individuals who want to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with high quality, nutritious and great tasting soy-based food products.

Aside from their two flavors that I’ve tried, Asia Soy also has the following:

• Unsweetened — You can use this as your milk ingredient in your favorite baking recipes or mix it in your coffee or other drinks.

• Lite — It has less calories and is sweetened with Splenda sweetener.

Aside from the melon that I absolutely love, Asia Soy also has chocolate flavor.

I also urge you to try its other product, My Tofu, available in all leading supermarkets. It is a low-fat cholesterol-free, protein- and calcium-rich food ingredient that will definitely help your healthy lifestyle. It comes in three variants — soft/silken, regular and firm.

Now I can enjoy Mamang Taho’s taho whenever, wherever I want. I absolutely enjoy My Tofu and My Soymilk’s melon and creamy original flavors. They are great tasting and healthy. I’m a lucky girl!

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