It feels like home

It’s an open secret. And almost every single girl confesses to it. When we’re bored, it keeps us busy. When we’re depressed or even mending a broken heart, it lifts our spirits. When we’re happy, it makes us nothing but happier.

That shopping gives girls a therapeutic upshot is an understatement. Shopping is, in fact, a vicious cycle in every girl’s life and will continue to be such that even psychological experts would not be able to determine when this cycle will stop.

And so from this reality jumpstarts a creative idea from one of the country’s leading apparel brands. Maila Manning, Kamiseta’s marketing coordinator, explains the rationale for coming up with ingenious ways to spice up every girl’s ordinary shopping experience. For Maila and the rest of the team, comfort is a close relative of shopping.

“When you shop, you want comfort. When you’re comfortable, you have more time and you feel better when you go around. Your state of mind is more relaxed,” she says. When a shopper is comfortable, the things that she likes just jump out of her. And so, trying on stuff is easier. “When this happens, you appreciate better what the store has and eventually, you buy more,” she adds.

Kamiseta stores have always catered to its customers’ needs since it started 15 years ago. Recently, the store owners, Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo Roque, thought of toting up more “homey” details in each Kamiseta hub.

“Our stores have always had the home concept. Before, the furniture was just there to serve its purpose,” Maila points out, referring to the staple couches and ottomans in their stores. Kamiseta doesn’t rest on its laurels and continues to surprise and satisfy its clients. With the store’s new look and additional details, the brand proves how willing it is to go the extra mile when customer satisfaction is concerned. “Now, the furniture gives a lifestyle and an ambience,” she says.

A visit to Kamiseta stores will transport you to places very familiar to you — the parts of the store are similar to the parts of your own house! Imagine beds, bathtubs, kitchen counters, lanai. Kamiseta stores have them. “Again, the objective behind all of this is to provide comfort to the consumers and to offer them something better,” Maila reiterates. “Normally, clothing stores have racks and racks of clothes. Of course, you want to showcase your products. If it’s just haphazardly displayed around, shoppers won’t be able to appreciate it anymore.” With this in mind, the ever so inspired team of Kamiseta — from hands-on owners down to accommodating sales ladies — takes pains in displaying what the store has to offer to their customers from diverse age groups.

Finally, here’s a boyfriend- and husband-friendly store. While the guys are waiting for the girls to finally get something they want, the boyfriends or husbands can watch a movie at the store’s TV room or just lounge at the cozy sofas. Even the fitting room area is easily accessible without sacrificing the privacy of the customer. Girls can just come out and show the guys what they’ve tried on. “That’s how it works when you’re shopping. Kamiseta understands this,” Maila relates. Space is also not a problem in their hubs. The kids can easily loiter around and enjoy the different house furniture in the store.

Like any other clothing store, Kamiseta will do anything if it will bring back customers to the store. But unlike its competitors, Kamiseta’s owners even consulted with interior designers in this new concept. “Before, we have the pink-and-blue concept because back then, customers prefer pastel colors,” continues Maila. Now, our favorite clothing store sports a bolder and brighter look with orange and green hues. You can already feel the retro mood in the Ayala TriNoma, SM North Edsa and SM Pampanga branches. Maila promises that the other stores are already “under transition” to this bolder look. 

Staying on top has never been a problem. Why, when Kamiseta always comes up with exciting surprises. Everyone was totally awed when this local brand introduced Hollywood celebrities as the brand’s ambassador — Alicia Silverstone, Natalie Portman and currently, Kate Hudson. “Getting them to agree to endorse Kamiseta has proven that a Filipino brand can be at par with our foreign counterparts. It just goes to show that our products are good enough and of high quality to be accepted internationally,” Maila smiles. “I’m also very happy to say that Kamiseta has already been accepted as a mainstream brand in Jakarta and in the Middle East. Magazines borrow from us to show in their pages. That’s really something.”

All these and more have helped the brand maintain a good track record in the local as well as in the international fashion industry. Rather than just offering clothes, it’s a lifestyle that Kamiseta is offering.

“Most important of all is that there are items that you’ll actually buy,” Maila explains of the Kamiseta shopping experience. “If you go around no matter how big or comfortable it is to shop, how nice the store is, if the items aren’t nice and of inferior quality, you won’t buy.”

The whole team takes pride in the fact that whenever one enters Kamiseta, one leaves the store with a Kamiseta bag on one’s hand and a satisfied smile on one’s face.

It will always be fun being a girl — especially with Kamiseta around.

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