A major celebration for Mayor Newsom

"The mere sense of living is joy enough." – Emily Dickinson

A grand and cheerful welcome was lovingly prepared by several of the best hosts of society Manila for the arrival of the suave and dapper San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. The Concepcions’ truly posh and breathtakingly beautiful summer mansion in Antipolo called "La Verandah" was bedecked in dazzling lights and tasteful décor, as hosts Ronnie and Menchu Concepcion, Paing and Mely Hechanova and Joe and Marivic Concepcion gave an extraordinary warm Filipino welcome to the young mayor and his company of dignitaries from the US Embassy. A delicious feast awaited all the VIP guests and the evening’s glam and glitter was ever present.

A big "Mabuhay!" to Mayor Newsom and friends!

Happy birthday to our celebrators today, lovely Che Singson, Dingdong Eduque, Archie King and Jun Kintanar.

Advance birthday greetings to FCCP’s Nena Casimiro, La Moderna Bakery’s Pablo Narciso, Kathy Santiago-Litton and Tony Leviste, Jan. 15; Minnie Osmeña, Hilda Koronel, Sen. Sonny Osmeña, Ronnie Salonga and Minnesota-based Dinah Del Rosario-Filart, Jan. 17; Karen Santos, Renee Salud, Marco Ballesteros, Jo Ramos, Joy Virata and Doris Nuyda, Jan. 19; Tony Pet Araneta, Bernardo Bernardo and lawyer Ricardo "Dong" Puno, Jan. 20.

So, how was your week?

(For comments and inquiries, please e-mail me at jjlitton@indanet.com)

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