I’m a model?

It’s funny how most teens now want to become a model. Times are changing and so is beauty. Before, it only took a pretty face to become a model. Now, it takes more than just superficial beauty, you have to have that X factor, too. So, what does it take to be a model? Let me share a few tips and an understanding of what a model’s work is. I based these on my professional (runway, print and television) experiences.

First, one must understand what a ‘model’ really is. By definition, a model is "someone paid to wear clothes and demonstrate merchandise as a profession. An excellent example that deserves to be imitated. Somebody who poses for a painter, sculptor, photographer, or other artists." It is hard work as you clearly see. If you aspire to be Giselle Bundchen or Gemma Ward, then, obviously, these exemplary models live up to their name.

As you can clearly see in these photos, the model, Helena, did a great job. I asked her to give me a soft look with an attitude and look how she did it. She understood what was asked of her and the photographer captured it right away. She made everyone’s job easy and fast. After a few shots, Jake (the photographer) said, "I got it." Helena is an upcoming model. She has only done very few shoots and yet she listens and can execute what is being asked of her. Now this is how a model should be – like an actress, too. This is a very crucial part in posing for a photo shoot and in television commercials. Relaying an emotion that is asked of you. Be professional and do your homework, so lock that door and practice in front of the mirror so you have an idea how you look like when you do these different kinds of emotions. Remember, it is all in the eyes. Ask any photographer or director and they, too, will agree.

Physical appearance
. First, you have to have good skin. Make sure you have a regular skin regimen and visit the dermatologist regularly. If you have a great smile, then make sure you have regular visits to your dentist. I have been working with so many models both new and old in the industry and the professional ones are those who take good care of themselves from head to toe. It’s not being vain at all; it’s your job, period. This is what is expected of you, as close to perfection as you can do. Nobody is perfect, yes, but as a model, it is up to you to strive for it. If you are truly serious in becoming a model, then you have to work hard for it.

Have a healthy lifestyle. Eat good and healthy food and not the junk/fast food diet. Never rely on Photoshop. This is not a good attitude to have because if you do, then you will be working less for sure. It is very important that you know your body well enough on how it responds to the way you eat, sleep and work out. If you work out on a regular basis and have a healthy eating habit, you won’t have a problem if you’re called to a shoot tomorrow because your lifestyle allows you to be ready all the time. Also, it is very important for an aspiring model to know that proper sleep and rest are very important in being a model. Power naps are instant beautifiers, too. Make sure you get at least seven hours of good quality sleep. You’ll look and feel beautiful the next day plus it will make everyone’s life, especially the photographer’s and the makeup artist’s, a whole lot easier. Be professional and try not to party all night when you know that you have a shoot at 7 a.m. the next day.

. Leave your problems at home. Learn to be positive in your work place. If you don’t have this kind of ‘positive’ attitude, then stop wondering why you don’t get any bookings for work. No one, and I mean no one, wants to work with negative people. Every one of us deals with our own issues and problems and yet we all work. So be more professional and focus on your work. Do what you’re asked to do on the shoot. If you didn’t want to do what was asked of you during the shoot, then why accept the job to begin with? It’s such a waste of everyone’s time, energy and effort. These are very valuable to the group you are working with so be very considerate. Whining and complaining will turn off everyone in the shoot. Trust me on this. And if you think you’ll get another shoot with this group again, then pray harder.

A professional model is not only physically fit, but also has a pleasing personality. Why do you think models get booted out from shows? It’s simply because of their bad attitude. Everyone in every industry should make an effort to get along with the people he or she works with. To me, a professional model knows how to be endearing to all. She is not bratty nor complains 99 percent of the time. She trusts the artists around her and will even wear grass and make it look comfortable if she is asked to.

Use your common sense and be considerate
. It’s simple really. If the makeup artist placed a red glossy lip color, then eat after the shot is taken. Better yet, eat before going to work so time is saved and everyone’s work will finish early. Be very considerate. Think before you act. You are working with a team and you are part of the team. It will take team effort and success to get the work done right. Body language will tell you that you did a great job when you see the photographer smiling or the whole group jumping up and down happily clapping their hands or hearing them say out loud "Super nice!" or "We got it! We got it!" Now, that is very rewarding and will get you even more inspired, believe me. After all, shoots are super fun and exciting to do.

It is important that you have a you-want-to-make-it-work and get-the-job-done-right attitude when working. When the photographer says, "Hold that pose!" then be patient, stop breathing and don’t even blink. Most celebrity endorsers and professional models know that the harder and more uncomfortable the pose is, the better the shot. Remember the photographers are asked to capture a moment so this means extreme patience, understanding and cooperation. If the fashion stylist asks you to wear an outfit, then gladly do so. If the makeup artist puts a makeup on you, then it is your job to make it work. It’s also very important that you can carry different looks in every shoot that you do, just like a chameleon. If you have this quality or if you are told that you have this quality, then you will be really busy with work.

For example, in beauty shoots like this, hair stunts are so hard to do. There is a time when the model has to be shot upside down to get the hair shot right. Face shots are also important, the best angle and facial expression are the crucial parts. You should always remember that a good model should be able to make one experience a feeling. When posing before the camera, she should be able to tell a story with her projection or let someone in on her secrets.

What is an X factor? It is a certain aura that a model has. It’s when you walk with your chin up and you get admiring looks from people and they just get mesmerized by your mere presence. It is that second look that people poke on you because they simply can’t get enough of you. Good positive aura and confidence make you have this X factor. So, if you really want to be a model and you are really serious about it, then make sure you can live up to what your job description is – a model.

(Email the author at checheljoson@gmail.com)

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