There’s more to life

Words – written, said or read – have a strong impact on those who receive them. My past articles featuring excerpts from my "little book" have become an inspiration to my readers, and that gives me great joy.

I want to continue to give hope and encouragement to my readers and so for today, I will be sharing excerpts from There’s More to Life – The Little Book of Inspiration by Sue Calwell and Daniel Johnson.

On Being Open

• Be open and non-judgmental. Life’s teachings often come to you in disguise.

• Follow your deepest instincts. Where they take you is your true destiny.

• Tell someone you love him or her. It is a priceless gift to give.

• Be sensitive to other people’s feelings. It brings out the best in them.

• Face your fears. You will grow in strength, courage and confidence.

• Happiness has nothing to do with what we have and everything to do with how we think.

• Respect the beliefs of others. You will learn from their wisdom.

• Giving love can heal and transform.

On Understanding

• It’s true that no one has to be strong all the time.

• Stop talking. Don’t provide answers, solutions, excuses. Just listen.

• Be proud of who you are and what you believe in.

• One of life’s great challenges is to follow your own advice.

• Decide to be happy and you will be.

• You are always stronger than you think. Look deep to find your way to survive.

• Serving others gives life meaning and purpose.

On Believing

• Fulfillment and joy come to those who make the most of what they’ve got.

• Make a conscious decision to see the beauty in everyone you meet, even if they are making life difficult for you.

•Make dreaming a high priority. Without dreams, life is just breathing.

• Remember to love yourself. It’s your life sustaining force.

• What’s really causing your stress? Your problems or your reactions to them? Try to make "molehills" out of your "mountains."

On Giving

• Be there, no matter what, to support those you love.

• The measure of life is in what you give, not in what you accumulate.

• One small act of kindness can inspire a lifetime of good feeling.

• Never miss an opportunity to encourage and nurture a child. Help him/her to become the best person he/she can be.

• We usually teach what we most need to learn.

• Never leave for tomorrow a loving comment that could be made today.

• Move out of your comfort zone to help those needier than you.

• When making major choices, be guided by what is most precious to you, not by others’ expectations of you.

• Give your love to others. It might be all they have.

On Changing

• View every life change as an opportunity to make your life more fulfilling.

• Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It can bring balance into your life.

• Life begins when you accept that you are responsible for your own destiny. Take charge now.

• Life is empty without passion. Get involved.

• Value experiences more than possessions and live without regret.

• Love is the greatest gift you have to offer. Give it freely.

• You are always in the perfect place at the perfect time.

• Love yourself, not for what you do or have done, but for who you are.

On Learning

• When faced with a problem, free your mind and think creatively. The possibilities will be endless.

• Listen to the annoyances in your life and the lessons they may be trying to teach you.

• Relive joyous moments to carry you through trying times.

• Know that what you give out will always come back to you at some time in some way.

• Take advantage of the healing power of laughter.

• Life has many lessons, and humility is high on the list.

• Take control of your life. Don’t live in fear of others.

• Keep a journal of the lessons you’ve learned and the feelings you have. Focus on your values and beliefs. Your journal can become your personal collection of "inspirational stories to give your life new meaning."

As I was reading this book and folding the pages of the ones I liked, I realized how strong an impact words can have. Words can give joy, words can make you cry, words can hurt, but words can also uplift, encourage and inspire, just like those in the book.

As I read each one, I was made to think of my actions, how I value myself and others. It inspired me to be a better me.

It is my hope that it will inspire and encourage you just like it did to me.

Truly this book is The Little Books of Inspirations.

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