The Anew-al report
October 30, 2005 | 12:00am
The Promise: Overnight: Smoothes fine lines and wrinkles.
After three days: Plumps out hollowed lines and wrinkles.
After one week: Eighty-two percent of women agreed their skin felt rebuilt and renewed; 67 percent of women felt exceptionally more elastic skin.
With continued use: Ninety-seven percent of women showed a visible reduction in lines and wrinkles; 94 percent of women showed improvement in skin density; 87 percent of women felt an increase in elasticity and 85 percent of women felt firmer skin.
The Test: Uptown/Downtown took one month to test the product on five women with varying degrees of skin lines and wrinkles. The results were very impressive. Three out of the five women experienced a visible smoothening of lines and wrinkles within two hours of their first application. After a week, diminishing of lines was even more obvious. Three of the women had to reduce the amount of product they used on the T-zone area because of excess oiliness. After a month, all the women had switched from their European-made anti-wrinkle and line creams to Anew Lien and Wrinkle Corrector.
Uptown/Downtown Rating: A
Forget expensive, highly hyped wrinkle and line creams and just opt for this product. No cream can guarantee a 100 percent erasure of lines and wrinkles, but short of botox, this product comes closest.
Relaxes with Portulaca: An Avon patent-pending extract helps you lose those hard-to-treat creases while keeping your facial expressions naturally.
Fills with a booster: A multi-action complex boost Hyaluronic Acid, a gel-like substance that gives skin its fullness, helping the formula to fill in deep creases. With every drop discover the at-home alternative to line-relaxing injections.
The Promise: Instantly reduces crows feet and frown lines.
After one week: diminishes the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles around eyes and forehead.
For optimal results, use with Clinical Line and Wrinkle Corrector.
The Test: Uptown/Downtown tested the product for one month on three women who complained of medium to aggressive line and wrinkle problems. The women were instructed to use the product twice a day. After one week, all women reported a subtle but positive difference in skin texture around the forehead and under eye area. After two weeks, those with moderate line and wrinkle problems reported getting compliments on their new, fresh skin. After a month, all women switched from their previous regimen to this product.
Uptown/Downtown rating: A
For those with severe wrinkles, this columnist would recommend a more aggressive clinical technique such as botox or Polaris. (Please check with your physician before undergoing any such procedure. For those who prefer topical solutions, this line and wrinkle corrector will certainly give you visible results provided it is used on an extended and continuous basis.
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