The healthy bride’s diet

They say that an ideal engagement lasts for two years. Event planners demand at least 12 months to prepare for the wedding and reception of your dreams. In short, preparing for a wedding does require time.

If you want a trimmer and toner you on your big day, will a couple of months of sensible eating and exercise do?

It would be easier of course if you have been exercising regularly and eating in moderation. But if you haven’t, that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your existing figure with exercise and a well-balanced diet.

A bride needs all the energy she can muster because of the wedding preparations. She’ll need her strength so she doesn’t get sick.

A well-balanced diet and exercise will assure her of having enough energy and stamina.

Here is what I believe a bride’s diet should consist of. The proportions should be moderate.

Rice, bread, noodles and the like are the body’s quick sources of energy.

Pork, beef, chicken, fish, seafood, beans, nuts and tofu are great sources. Remove visible fat from meat and try low-fat cooking methods like broiling, grilling, baking and stewing.

Dairy products.
Low-fat milk and cheese are good sources of calcium.

Fruits and vegetables.
Consume as much as you want and use low-fat dressings for salads.

Vegetable oils and nuts are good fat sources.

Avoid too much salt because food with high sodium will result in water retention and bloating.

A well-balanced diet should be accompanied by an exercise program. Find a cardiovascular activity you enjoy and do it regularly for 15 to 30 minutes. It can be a walk, jog, a ride on the treadmill, swimming or a sport you enjoy.

If you want to lift weights, I suggest you ask the help of a fitness trainer. It is really up to you. Choose what works for you.

Achieving a healthy lifestyle or having the body that you want shouldn’t be only for a particular occasion but for a lifetime.

Aim to be a more fit and healthy bride. You can do it! Congratulations in advance!

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