Of thimbles and thread

Local fashion is moving a step forward. As the Manila fashion scene continues to grow into an industry, much of what we have today gives us a hint of a brighter tomorrow. The Fashion and Design Council of the Philippines (FDCP), an organization of professional and world-class Filipino designers, aims to promote and support the development of the design industry representing both Apparel and Lifestyle design sectors. Since its inception in May 1995 by Josie Cruz Natori, with Filipino designers and the support of government agencies, the FDCP continues to implement projects that enhance the image of Filipino designers here and abroad. Their vision is "Global" Designers: Competitiveness Upgrading, which brings our homegrown talents to the arena of international design. Today, the council, through its president Randy Ortiz, continues to uplift the design industry by implementing projects and programs that support their vision. The other FDCP officers are Vic Barba, vice president; Patrice Ramos, treasurer; Anthony Nocom, secretary; Cesar Gaupo, Anton Barreto, Frederick Peralta and PJ Aranador, directors; Lulu Tan Gan, chairman Advisory Council.

The FDCP is an exclusive organization that promotes excellence, professionalism and a high-standard craftsmanship and creativity to local fashion. To be a part of this organization is not an easy task. Aspiring members go through a tedious process of selection and screening. Council members nominate designer-candidates who are then invited to undergo the strict screening process of the council. The Membership Committee headed by Frederick Peralta and Vic Barba reviews all records and designs of the nominees. Nominees are interviewed and their portfolios reviewed. Nominees that pass this stage are designated as probationary members for one full year and within that year their performance will be assessed. Probationary members that are assessed favorably for their professionalism and performance shall finally be inducted into the council as regular members.

One of the main objectives of the FDCP is to strive for professionalism in all areas governing design in the local industry. New members add to the ranks of professional designers that can be depended on to push for the competitiveness of Philippine design locally and globally. According to Frederick Peralta, head of membership committee, "For a designer to be invited into the council he or she must excel in the field of fashion; have a good name and image status; must be an employee of, or owner of a legitimate and registered business in the Philippines; and must endeavor to use his or her talent as a tool for uplifting the Philippine design industry." With much promise in the industry, the FDCP recently inducted a new batch, which includes Edwin Ao, Ivarluski Aseron, Avel Bacudio, JC Buendia, Rhett Eala, Jun Escario, Ramon Esteban, Joey Samson, Hindy Webber Tantoco and Mel Vergel de Dios for apparel, while Joey Enriquez for shoes by Figlia and Arnel Papa for accessories. With the fresh wave of designs and ideas that come with the new batch, there’s so much excitement to look forward to in the world of Philippine fashion.

(E-mail the author at mymultiplechoice@yahoo.com)

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