Star Dream Girl: Noelle Hernandez

Nineteen-year-old Noelle Hernandez is a Marketing sophomore at the Dela Salle University in Taft, Manila.

Noelle, the daughter of Dennis Hernandez and the former Angelie Mendezona, both apparel exporters, finds her course very interesting.

"Unlike other courses which deal with management and cash flow, marketing is full of creative activities," says Noelle. "It always posts a challenge on how to make a product or service marketable. It also helps a business thrive and be competitive."

After college, Noelle wants to work in a marketing firm and get practical understanding about the industry. She also wishes to enter graduate school and eventually secure a master’s degree.

Noelle likes to capture scenery and people in her sketches and drawings. In the future, Noelle would also like to try her hand in photography.

Asked to describe herself, Noelle, also a computer geek and a movie buff, replies, "I’m quiet. I listen more than I talk. I’m more of an observer of people, places and even situations. I’m really into details."

On her fitness regimen, Noelle does strengthening exercises like pilates and yoga once a week. She also goes to the gym three times a week. She never lets the week end without exercising because it "gives me relaxation. It is a good stress reliever, too."

Besides, Noelle is into sports like soccer and badminton.

Noelle, a stickler of simplicity and comfortability, believes that "praying makes me surpass little challenges in my life."

To enjoy life, Noelle ends, "take it one day at a time." –Jerry Donato

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