How to feel great naturally

According to Amy Rapaport Karlson, there are many ways to feel great naturally. Yes, no need for any electronic gadgets or anything expensive to feel great. Going back to the basics, going back to what is natural.

Here are some:

•Tap away tension.
Lightly tap your scalp with your knuckles for 10 seconds, taking slow, deep breaths as you tap. Silly it may seem but this softens tense muscles in your head and neck and builds your energy.

•Create joy with feasts.
Aim to have three feasts everyday. A "feast" isn’t necessarily food. It’s anything that nourishes you physically or emotionally: A beautiful sunset, a yummy fruit salad, or an evening spent with close friends.

•Soothe your shoulders.
Drop an herb and grain-filled shoulder pillow around your neck. The weight of these fragrant U-shaped pillows relaxes hunched shoulders, relieving muscle tension.

•Ax stress with your fingertips.
To ease stress, pinch the bottom of one of your earlobes with your thumb and index finger. Maintain the pressure for two minutes, breathing deeply. Repeat on the other ear.

•Fortify with fruit.
Try this remedy for mental fatigue. Chop a washed, cored apple into small pieces. Place them in a bowl for an hour. Add one tbsp. of honey and stir. Eat the apple and then sip the leftover liquid.

•Picture yourself powerful.
Next time you’re about to tackle an exhausting task, visualize yourself doing it as if you were feeling sharp and supercharged. Make the image detailed. Your mind can stimulate your body to feel a certain way.

•Bean up your next meal.
Studies show that depressed people often lack B vitamins. Beans deliver a significant dose of these vitamins. Try pinto beans with rice, chickpea hummus or pita bread, or black bean soup.

•Melt your muscles.
When in a bad mood, your muscles tense. Counter crankiness with a steamy 10-minute shower. As your muscles loosen up, so will your attitude.

•Charm yourself with a chime.
The sound of a wind chime actually slows your breathing and heart rate, making you feel mellow.

•Try a calming breath.
Close your eyes and cover your right nostril with your right thumb. Exhale all the air from your lungs through your left nostril, and then inhale through the same nostril for four counts. Next, keep your right ring finger to close your left nostril. Hold for four counts. Lift your thumb and exhale slowly through your right nostril for four counts and use your thumb to close your nostril for four counts. Lift your ring finger. Repeat five times.

So many things have been invented, special gadgets that can help us feel good, help us relax, but it is great to know that there are still so many ways to feel great naturally. Don’t need to spend much, neither will it take a lot of your time. Simple things, simple joy. Feeling great naturally.

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