The headturner that she is, Mariel, the daughter of Jojo Termulo, a computer programmer, and the former April Sazon, a teacher, describes herself as "simple and independent individual."
"When I have no shoots or events to attend, I’m just myself," adds Mariel. "I don’t wear makeup and I usually wear comfortable, casual clothes."
Since her parents work abroad, Mariel says, "I have become responsible in making decisions. Considering that I also work, I have matured and become professional especially in committing myself to modeling projects. I owe these to the independence and trust my parents have given me."
Mariel plans to put to good use her communication/people skills by working in one of the country’s foremost PR firms. After gaining enough experience and know-how, Mariel wants to put up her own PR consultancy firm.
Away from the klieg lights, Mariel loves to swim and cook for her friends and family.
What’s this STAR Dream Girl’s asset as a model? "I think it’s my face," says Mariel. "It can be sweet or sophisticated." –Jerry Donato