Star Dream Girl: Ezra Micah Lancero

Bubbly 19-year-old Ezra Micah Lancero is a Mass Communications student, majoring in Advertising in one of Manila’s exclusive schools.

With that, the 5’4"-tall Micah is bent to enter the challenging and creative world of advertising. Micah says she wants to try her hand either in the production or in the "Think Tank" department.

Micah, the daughter of Capt. Leonardo Lancero and the former Teresita Salvador, both entrepreneurs, plans to help out and eventually take over her parents’ businesses, dealing with water station franchising and leasing commercial space. Micah also plans to get a franchise of a fast-food chain.

To enhance her other skills and personality as preparation to something bigger soon, Micah starts brewing something good now.

"I do modeling under John Robert Powers," says Micah. "I also attend newscasting workshop with ABS-CBN and vocal school under Susana Pichay."

In fact, Micah is also part of a band where she is both the vocalist and the drummer.

To express herself more, Micah paints in her spare time. She uses pastel as her medium. Her subjects and images range from portraits to scenes from the environment. As Micah puts it, "Arts and music are forms of self-expression."

This music and arts aficionado believes that, "Committing a mistake is never a crime. But not learning from it, that is a crime." Micah also thinks that life’s pitfalls should be taken as challenges. And from there, one should become a better person.

"A STAR Dream Girl," says Micah, "should view experiences (even they are bad) as stepping stone to achieve her dreams."–Jerry Donato

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