Stretch that bod!

Since I started working out with my trainer-friend Louie almost a year ago, I’ve learned so many ways to stretch. I knew the basic stretches but I never realized there were still so many others.

Stretching is a very important part of any workout. One should stretch before and after any exercise although there are still many who forget to do so. It’s a pity because they don’t realize the benefits of stretching. They also don’t realize that they will be more prone to injury if they don’t.

Before I work out, I warm up first with a cardiovascular activity like jogging or I get on a treadmill or bike for 15 to 30 minutes. Then because I’m warm enough, I do my stretches for 10 to 15 minutes and then proceed with my main workout.

The reason for stretching after warming up is so that our muscles will become warm enough and ready for the stretch. This will avoid injury.

Now stretching after your workout will relax your muscles and give them time to recover. The result is an energized you. After stretching after a workout, I feel so recharged I can workout again if I want to.

How will you know if your workout is effective or efficient? If you still have the energy and zest to do other things you need to do, if you are not grumpy when you get home, if you look forward to playing with your kids, then you are on the right track. A good workout leaves you energized and not feeling low.

I’m happy to say this is how I feel after working out. I’m lucky I had trainers who taught me the proper way to warm up, stretch and work out properly.

In the past, I would hold each stretch for only 10 seconds. But now that I know better and am stronger, I can hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. When my trainer and I have a lot of time after we workout, we stretch for an hour. It not only increases my flexibility but it relaxes and recharges me so much, enabling my body to recover and be ready for the next day’s workout.

I do a lot of stretches – some while lying down, standing, sitting. I’d like to share with you some stretches you can do on a chair. I do these when I’m tired after a shoot or after my workout. These are some of my favorite ones. They are good for people who sit a long time, either at the office or at school. These will help loosen your muscles in the back, the waist, the neck, legs and arms.

If you are stretching for the first time, hold the stretch only for as long as you can. Do not worry if you can’t do it so long yet. Five to 10 seconds is okay. When you get stronger, you can do it longer.

Try these and discover the wonders of stretching.

(Note: Before trying these stretches, consult your doctor as we have different problem areas or maybe a past injury.)

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