STAR Dream Girl: Danita Paner

Her mom is Daisy Romualdez. Her dad Manny Paner is a former hardcourt hero. Her sister Kristina Paner, now happily married and living in Spain, was a teen star. With a family like hers, it seems there’s no other road for lovely teener Danita Paner to tread on than the yellow brick road to showbiz.

The 5’4"-tall, Danita, a high school student at OB Montessori, Greenhills, is working on the movie, The Chavit Singson Story, where she plays the daughter of Chavit’s favorite leader (portrayed by Joel Torre). Danita says, "As a budding actress, I want to try all movie genres – comedy, drama and action. After that I will decide what genre works for me. I would also like to try singing and acting just as my sister Tina did."

"I get my being outspoken from my mom," admits Danita. "I’m the type of person who will not let her rights be stepped on by others, especially if I’m right. If I do commit mistake, I know how to ask forgiveness and be sorry. I inherited my patience from my dad."

Besides movies, Danita also does TV guestings and front acts in concerts. Danita also wants to do commercials.

Since showbusiness is not forever, Danita makes sure she focuses on her studies. She wishes to take up either of these courses in college – Hotel and Restaurant Management, Nursing or Mass Communications.

"If I go into business, I would like to have my own boutique, not just selling clothes but also accessories," says Danita. "I would also like to have my own bar and restaurant." Though it is too early to say what the future holds, Danita is determined to become successful. Her formula for success? "Have passion for what you do!" –Jerry Donato

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