Star dream girl: Hazel Tañedo

Twenty-year-old Hazel Tañedo is an Economics student at the Ateneo de Manila University. As soon as she finishes college, Hazel plans to take a certificate course in Accounting.

"For anyone who wants to work in a financial institution, knowledge of economics and accounting is an advantage," Hazel believes. "It is a good combination. Economics gives one an idea on how an organization works or runs, while accounting provides ideas on how to spend and invest one’s money properly."

To further equip herself, Hazel is also considering pursuing a masteral degree.

The 5’4 1/2-tall Hazel, the daughter of entrepreneurs Charles Tañedo and the former Sylvia Gan, describes herself as "unpredictable." She adds, "I have varied interests and my moods change on given occasions. But the good thing about it is I’m not afraid to try new things to discover and to learn. There’s always something new to look forward to."

"I’m also a loyal and true friend," Hazel continues. "If one of my friends needs help, I try to go out my way. If his reputation is questioned, I defend him."

Hazel, the team captain of "Lady Netters," Ateneo’s Tennis Team, has a minimal beauty regimen. "I always bring my ‘oil paper’ to ensure that I don’t have a shiny look. And I follow this attitude: Be your best for yourself."

On achieving her dreams, Hazel says, "Knowing there are people behind me, like my family and friends, I’m more determined to excel in any endeavor I choose. It sounds like a cliché, but we do need a support system."

Asked about her take on a healthy relationship, Hazel replies, "Both parties should be responsible, disciplined, honest. They should stick to their commitment and also to the unwritten rules. I think what matters most is that a person maintains his identity."

"A STAR Dream Girl is someone who has a strong character," ends Hazel. "She can stand by what she believes in. She has her own mind, her own opinion. She doesn’t go with the flow." –Jerry Donato

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