We magnetize our life

We look around and wonder why our life is the way it is. Many curse the difficulties brought about by the challenges of a poor economy, a politicized atmosphere, their jobs, unfaithful spouses, problem children. The list can go on. Many, too, are in awe of the blessings of their lives – of financial help that came from nowhere, of a stranger who proves to be a great friend, a community support they never expected, of great spiritual awakenings and insights, happenings in their hearts and minds. Whether in a positive or negative manner, our lives are created by the energies we carry in our persons. These energies emanate from our conscious mind, our subconscious and our unconscious. This is why it is important to try to reflect and understand the kind of energies we possess and project to the world. How did that judgment thought leave us so quickly? How can a thought of hatred be released with no basis? Won’t that which you fear become real? Such negative thoughts fuel the problems and pains of our lives. Since all of our experiences in this physical world begin in the realm of thought, then it can be said we are living in our thoughts (or that we create from our thoughts) the kind of life we have or the person we are becoming.

To capture and be aware of our thoughts requires a steady disciplined process of inner reflection. It is an every moment awareness called Mindfulness. This is one of the most potent practices one can have in the world today for it helps us focus our whole being on the totality of the present (the way our body is, the state of our minds, the feelings we have). Mindfulness allows us glimpses into what we are supposed to be doing here. The practice will unfold our soul’s purpose which is what we really and truly desire.

When we are aligned, New Year’s resolutions will suddenly have no meaning. Instead, we will work our growth through the mission statements we create for ourselves... and each moment we remember this, it will become shorter, simpler and more deeply felt. When this happens, we become powerful magnets, calling to us love, challenges, growth, luck – and all the other positive qualities possible.

Then again, we also can magnetize these good things to ourselves in a somewhat round-about way that passes through catharsis and pain. This rocky path is full of emotional struggles and crises. In the end, we grow. Always, we are forced to grow through all that pain we brought ourselves through.

I say, "brought ourselves through" because we truly call everything to us. I believe our souls, before coming into our physical bodies made a clear-cut covenant with God our Creator. We agreed that we were going to work out a specific destiny, and learn specific lessons, with specific people. And so the soul separates itself from the source of all, dives into the physical body. At birth, the personality that was born had just passed through a veil of forgetfulness. We are usually not aware of our life mission, or even the soul purpose. Yet within each of us is that hidden wisdom (of the Higher Self) that gradually lets us know that we have something to do with whatever comes our way. Actually, I rather like to paraphrase that by saying, "Our Higher Self calls these circumstances to us" to remind us to once more re-align with that promise.

"Nothing happens by chance" and "There are no such things as accidents" are phrases that are spoken by those who have caught the great secret of living: That we magnetize and call all things to our lives. With this, we become more responsible and aware, knowing that we are too have the power to call in the Divine, to pray for great blessings and peace, joy and love.

With Mindfulness comes a change of our energies. We follow this up by an earnest desire to call good, lighter and happier things into our lives. We start now to become potent magnets calling in the future of our choice.

(E-mail me at jej1@easycall.com.ph)

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