Is life predestined?
December 15, 2002 | 12:00am
It is the most natural thing for human beings to wonder what the future may hold for them. Dont we often catch ourselves somewhere between the two extremes of statements like the fatalistic ("what will happen will happen") and the hopeful ("I can create my own future")? How much then of life is fated? And to what extent can we exercise free will? Can an unhappy love affair or marriage have been prevented? Or was karma being played out by the way two people could not keep away from each other despite all logical reasons?
From ancient times to the present day, philosophers, theologians and scientists have all approached the idea of fate versus free will from their own perspectives, thus increasing the complexity of the subject. Indeed, the subject of fate versus free will come into play when we look at our own life, our growth and our destinyconsciously.
Out there, beyond human understanding, is a fantastically perfect work of God: the Universe, with its harmonious eternal cyclic patterns, energies and potentials. These precise patterns of cyclesof nature, of life, of timeless birthing and dying have been observed by man since he first began to chart the heavens. Because of these cosmic patterns, man could then state or predict certain conclusive effects or events influenced by these patterns.
Through the study of the heavenly bodies and how they affect mans life (spiritually, emotionally and physically), man found a hint of a guiding Intelligence, an Ordering Energy, a Force so great with the power to create or destroy. It was so complex and incomprehensible to mans limited understanding that man deduced that something outside himself was responsible for his life. The word "God" was conceived to explain the unexplainable. Man tried to explain all this through a system for God called religion. And since then, the world has been confused.
Until today, we see this when we dont embrace responsibility for our life or when we project everything outwardly. If God is happy with us, we are given graces and blessings. If God is angry, we are punished through pain and destruction. What has happened since then is that we believe we are fated to play out whatever this outside force (God) dictated. Later, we added in place of God, our parents, our partners, society, tradition and religion. "They" were all to blame for our unhappiness, bad luck and failures.
Likewise, there are many who are addicted to fortunetellers, oracles, astrologers even, questioning and inquiring, searching for meaning and direction in life. Others hold such a fatalistic view of whatever is told to them by such readers. They become depressed and despondent, believing everything a reader says. This "addicted people" have thrown away the conscious responsibility for their lives. These are the people who believe life is fated and go through life without awareness of the deeper changes happening for their soul growth. This resigned apathy removes the purpose for development. While we cannot control events and people, we can definitely control and change our reactions and attitudes towards them. Knowing the patterns, understanding the makeup of different people based on their planetarial influence, can make us more sensitive and tolerant to more people. For example, we can understand that people born in fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) can be more outspoken and aggressive; that the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) can be so emotional and sensitive; that the earth people (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) can be slow, steady and practical; and that the air people (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) can often be so emotionally detached because they view life from an intellectual viewpoint.
Or we can study the planets that show discipline (Saturn) in tandem with that cycle of the planet that brings blessings (Jupiter). Saturn especially is interesting to look at since it brings with it trying events that will unfold in one aspect of life (for example, business, money, or love). By knowing this, we can then have a choice in facing it with fear and once more putting the blame on outside forces, or we can consciously experience these trying times. It may be difficult, yes, but because we are aware of the process of growth, we can maximize the meaning of the experience as we assimilate it into our consciousness. Much progress can then be made. The attitude and openness to learning and growing (this being the free will to act and react) becomes the secret key.
Many people have voiced out to me their desire to change their natal charts because of great difficulties they have been encountering. Others always wish for something they do not havea partner to share life with, more material resources, or even a better place in society. Yet when one understands their individual charts with ones specific unique patterns, then a conscious effort in developing the will and healthy ego begins to happen. We also begin to learn detachment. Our Higher Self begins to take its rightful place above the Personality Egos many dramas and trivial pursuits. The result is a truly conscious life lived in awareness and wisdom. The natal chart after all, shows all the potential lessons in each of our unique lives.
I believe that each of our individual and unique birth charts testify to the commitment we each made with our Creator before we were born. The birth chart, which is obtained by careful calculations of the exact time, place and date of birth, reflects the positions of the planets at a specific point in linear time. This exact moment was when the soul chose to come into a body, a physical vehicle in which to work out its evolution. The birth chart reflects the destiny to be lived. We work out karma, always, with free will. The birth chart becomes like a map, a blue print eventhat shows the greatest strengths and weaknesses, our lessons and potentials. This is why people like me continue to try to understand astrology and see great relevance in peoples lives and soul growth, why people I counsel and read for want to have their charts read.
And so I tell them here is your birth chart, a maplets say its a map going to Baguio. It states all the possible directions and choices you can while on your way to Baguio. When will you go? Who will you go with? Where will you stop by for lunch? The answers to all these questions are what will constitute your free with regards to what you will undertake in you journey to reach Baguio. So like the birth chart (the destiny that God gives you), what you make of it, with all the potential it holds, is your call, not Gods!
While it is true that we cannot control the whirling patterns and cycles of planets above us (lets leave that to God), we definitely control our minds and attitudes towards the events that unfold before us. It is for this reason that we can say we are co-creators with God in creating the future we want and the persons we want to become.
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