Easy steps to healing
August 11, 2002 | 12:00am
When we are hurt or depressed, we think no one understandsbut someone does. And we should not forget that change and renewal are within us. We need to know that.
Here are some steps to healing that have touched my heart:
Gaze at a star-lit sky
A star-studded sky is a magical sight. Light emerges from darkness, yet without darkness the star is indistinguishable. A star-lit sky symbolizes possibilities. Its vastness puts your own life, your own problems into perspective. Its beauty inspires.
Watch trees on a windy day
Small branches bend and twist, moving in the directions the wind wants to take them. The trunk of the tree stands firm and allows the wind to slide around and past it. There is a dance between the wind and the tree. They know the part each must play and the pattern of their union. There is no fighting, no resistance.
Move on
You are a traveler of life. Along the road, there are detours that force you to take another direction. There are small bumps and huge hurdles. As you come to the detours, bumps and hurdles, remind yourself to look beyond them. Move on. Dont become paralyzed by the "difficulty" you see before you.
Write a new script
Your mind has a script for living. Everyday, you follow the words of your script, whether you are aware of it or not. You think things happen to you but in reality, it is you who make things happen according to your script. Take time to listen to the thought patterns you live by and rewrite the scripts that no longer benefit you.
Watch a child play
You might be tempted to join. Have you forgotten the simple pleasures of play? Remind yourself. Dont think youre too "adult" to play. Begin by building a sand castle. Allow yourself. Play is instinctive. Its all about joy and laughter. You cant worry and play. Nor can you play and remain downhearted. Play is naturally uplifting.
Give yourself a present
The present doesnt have to be big. It doesnt even have to cost money. But it must be something youd like. Giving to yourself isnt selfish or indulgent. Forget that critical self-talk. Remember that giving to anyone, including yourself, is nourishing. It fills the empty well.
Be grateful
Be grateful for what you have without thinking of what you might have. Be grateful for who you are without thinking of who you might be. You are unique and incomparable. Find the gift you have to share.
Be creative
"Oh no!" you say. "Ive never painted a thing in my life." Creativity is so much more than painting; it is a necessity for life and living. Its the act of bringing anything into being through the power of your mind and imagination. Self-expression is the result of creativity.
Dont expect so much
When you expect a lot from yourself and others, you make the going so hard. Expectations are works of your own making. They make you judgmental and sap your confidence. How can you live with joy when youre weighed down by unrealistic standards?
Remove yourself...
... from a stressful situation so you have time to recover, evaluate and understand. Sometimes it will be impossible to physically leave a situation. At such times remove yourself mentally. Concentrate on a beautiful or secure scene or repeat an affirming thought.
This, too, will pass
Make this your prayer, song or affirmation. Repeat it, write it, pray it, remember it, visualize it. Know that your circumstances change and that what is unbearable now might be the making of you. Bless the situation for whatever it has to teach you about life. Learn graciously.
Be vulnerable
You might think that by being vulnerable you allow others to hurt you, but the opposite is true. By being vulnerable, you invite support from others. You show you are human, you are not perfect. You reveal yourself so that others may better understand and respect your whole being.
Put your hands in the earth
By doing this you literally become "earthed." Gardens will tell you of the peace and joy they find digging amongst living, growing things.
The earth gives you a sense of proportion. It helps you to accept what is. Everything has a pattern, a rhythm, a flow. Get in touch with these things.
Flowers for the house
Small changes can make a difference. Making time for an activity such as this will get you off lifes treadmill for a short while.
Bring color and beauty into your surroundings. Put your heart and attention into choosing and then arranging the flowers. Your mood will automatically lift.
Take comfort
Comfort is what makes you feel more at ease. Comfort is a hot-water bottle, a bowl of soup, teddy bears, balloons, hugs, cuddles, a blanket, music. At times, every adult has a hurt and fearful, lost and lonely child inside.
Name your emotion
Discover whats behind your present feeling. Draw an emotional map. Behind anger lies hurt, behind hurt lies an expectation, behind expectation lies a belief, behind a belief there is an origin. Trace your belief back to its origin. Decide whether you want to change your belief. Then you can change your emotion.
Walk away
Dont be afraid to walk away from a confrontation. Youre not a coward. Sometimes disengagement is appropriate, particularly when emotions are running high. Every situation is different. Its helpful to tell the person before you leave that now is not the time to discuss the matter, that youll talk when youve both calmed down.
Do you hear what your "opponent" has to say or are you concerned with your next sentence? If the latter is the case, you wont move from your belief in the rightness of your position. Because you dont listen, youre inclined to misinterpret. If youre too busy following the line of your own argument, youve lost your way. It wont advance you. It will only entrench you. Listen and learn.
Take a risk
Do something youve never done before. Say what youve never dared to say. Taking a risk encourages you to become more flexible. Each time you take a risk, you rehearse a feeling of fearlessness that becomes stronger each time it is felt. Surrender the known to the unknown.
One step at a time
The way up from way down requires you to take one step at a time. As in the saying "You cant run before you can walk," remember that no one achieves miracles overnight; one piece of knowledge comes on the back of another. If youre down, make the smallest step the beginning of your way up. Only then look for the next step and nothing will daunt you.
The above are just among the many easy steps to healing. I promise to give you more in my next articles.
We dont need to make far-reaching plans, only small practical steps, small changes in attitude. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective because they are the most accessible.
Healing can only take place when we seek to understand ourselves. Have courage and strength and believe you can do something about your problem. Stop making it someone elses responsibility. Have faith that you will receive the help and support you need.
Miracles begin in small ways. Take the first step and everything else will fall in place. Take that first step. Dont be afraid.
(E-mail me at babyjackster@yahoo.com)
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