La coup Curata

Ladies, look at these photographs! Any fashionista worth her salt will sense with this fantastic collection that a new king has arrived!

Ito Curata’s designs are fluid, his execution precise (he is one of the few couturiers who insist on cutting each pattern himself) and his taste in fabric and accessories–flawless!

Curata is involved in every aspect of the fashion process–even photographing the pictures himself in the beautiful ancestral homes of Batangas.

After years of having designed clothes for such celebrities and socialites as Sharon Stone, Charlize Theron, Charlotte Mailliard Schultz (the wife of former US Secretary of State George Schultz), and Ann Getty, (the wife of billionaire Gordon Getty), Ito is ready to invade Manila.

Like the great Filipino couturiers of our time, Joe Salazar and Inno Sotto, Ito cuts his own patterns and is obsessed about clothes structure. His forté is making the average figure look perfect. Sharon Stone herself once said that she chose Ito because "He knows how to make my ass look great. Not like the other designers who give me a 45-year-old ass!"

Ito is a believer in the power of the silhouette. He keeps his shapes simple and yet a special twist of a scarf, a unique trail of beads, an interesting choice of tassel heightens the well-structured form into a true work of art.

Still maintaining his home in San Francisco’s uber chic Twin Peaks area and his shop at Mint St., Curata will set up shop in Manila shortly.

"I miss home!" explains Curata. "I have achieved so much in the US and yet the one thing that I have learned is that there is no place like home."

Welcome home Ito! May you stay long enough to give Manila’s ladies something truly splendiferous to wear!

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