Holy Week recollections: Unplug, spend a quiet time with God

MANILA, Philippines — The faithful are called upon to reflect and have a meaningful conversation with themselves and God in time for the Holy Week.
Spend a few hours or two like a mini-retreat by joining livestreamed recollections or visiting the following pages at your convenience for that special guided prayer session.
Parish of St. James The Great Alabang
Recollections are after the 5 p.m. Masses
- April 3, Holy Monday, Msgr. Gerry Santos
- April 4, Holy Tuesday, Fr. Willy Samson, SJ
- April 5, Holy Wednesday, Fr. Ulrich Gacayan, RCJ
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/stjamesthegreatalabang
Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Rockwell Chapel)
Recollections are from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
- April 3, Holy Monday, Fr. Carlo Magno Marcelo
- April 4, Holy Tuesday, Fr. Dennis Paez, SDB
- April 5, Holy Wednesday, Fr. Tito Caluag
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/officialrockwellchapel
Lenten Recollection with Fr. Kali and Fr. Regie (Mary, Mother of Hope Chapel, Landmark)
April 4, Holy Tuesday
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/MMHCLandmarkChapelMakati
Center for Ignatian Spirituality-Philippines
Recollections will be posted at 9 a.m.
- April 6, Maundy Thursday, Fr. Ro Atilano, SJ
- April 7, Good Friday, Fr. Willy Samson, SJ
- April 8, Holy Saturday, Fr. Ben Nebres, SJ
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/cisphil or https://www.youtube.com/@cisphil
Pins of Light (with Fr. Johnny Go, SJ)
April 6, Holy Thursday 9 -11a.m.
Register here for the Zoom Link: https://forms.gle/DTjMcE8VQ5N2FMYWA
Watch here: https://www.fb.com/pinsoflight/
The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle
April 6, Holy Thursday, 8 p.m.
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/radyokatipunan or https://www.youtube.com/@JesComTV
Christ the King Parish (Greenmeadows)
Recollections at 10 a.m.
- April 7, Good Friday, Fr. Arlo Yap, SVD
- April 8, Holy Saturday, Fr. Angelo Asprer, SSP
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/CTKPGreenmeadows
RELATED: Story of faith: Marinduque's Moriones Festival takes place this Holy Week