September 13, 2004
September 13, 2004 | 12:00am
It’s particularly easy to get overwhelmed while Virgo energy amplifies the critical voice inside your head. Getting ready for the new moon tomorrow involves wrapping up a million details and probably working long hours, too. Be willing to let some tasks handle themselves. This can be done by simply removing yourself from the situation.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You want to take a big leap forward today but feel like others are holding you two steps back. Trust that it’s all for the best. Try lightening up with a brisk walk at lunchtime. The rest of the day should be smooth sailing.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It’s perfectly acceptable to rest on your laurels a bit. You’re too hard working to ever be accused of laziness, so don’t listen to your inner critic! Instead, tune out that self-defeating monologue in your head, and listen to your body.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you’ve got something difficult to say to someone, today’s the day to do it. You’ll be less likely to hurt anyone’s feelings, and chances are, you’ll be able to present your case in the most favorable light possible.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). By now, you should be getting the distinct impression that you’ve turned the corner on whatever it was that had you so upset recently. Things are definitely looking up, so have a little faith and don’t give up. You’re in for a surprise.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Clinging to something (or someone) you really want only defeats your efforts. But if you just open your big heart to the world and make room for the unexpected, you may get exactly what you want – and then some.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 13). This year, you come tantalizingly close to achieving that perfect balance between blissful togetherness and maintaining your independence. People are attracted to your sense of style and that certain enigmatic smile that comes with your inner calm. Doors open up for you this month. By holiday season, you’ll be calling all the shots. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 17, 25, 36 and 50.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Is there someone from your past who has been on your mind a lot lately? Now’s a good time to give that person a call. You and a loved one benefit from something educational, perhaps a trip to the library or a good documentary.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Get in touch with your playful side. Do something creative like change your hairstyle, shoot a roll of black-and-white film on your old camera, or rearrange your furniture. Even listening to music puts things in a new light.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The obstacles that were in your way seem easily surmountable today. You get by with a little help from your friends. In fact, someone you thought was playing for the other team turns out to be a wonderful ally.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You party child! If anyone knows how to have a good time, it’s you! Everyone follows your lead. At the office, your carefree attitude sets the tone for your department. At home, an unexpected phone call brings exciting news.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Sometimes, it’s lonely at the top. If you stay true to your down-to-earth roots, you’ll fare much better. Co-workers benefit from your diplomacy. You hear both sides of the argument and render wise and fair judgment.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your very nature engenders surprises, so you know by now to expect the unexpected. Still, careful planning can help you avoid an unpleasant mishap. If dating, you may be called upon to defend someone’s honor.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you played too hard over the weekend, you probably won’t feel terribly productive today. The sooner you accept this, the quicker you can move on to the important things – like daydreaming about what tomorrow will bring!
ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: "I’m a 31-year-old Sagittarius single mother (born Nov. 28, 1972) with a 9-year-old daughter. My fiancé is a 32-year-old Aquarius. We have been engaged since last Christmas and have only been together one and a half years. We just got our own place, and everything seems to be perfect between us. Have I finally found the man of my dreams?"
It’s natural for Sagittarius to get cold feet when things get serious, as this sign treasures independence. Your sign fears that giving up some of that freedom and becoming dependent on another person for love and support will lead to disaster. What if the person changes or goes away – what then? I challenge you to give up your ideal of "the man of my dreams" and "perfect." Those terms only set you up for a fall, as everyone is flawed, even charming Aquarius. Commit yourself to doing the work of a marriage, and make sure that your Aquarius is equally committed. That means checking in regularly to make sure that the relationship is healthy for both parties and that problems are being addressed. If you’re both willing to do this, then you’ll be just fine.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: James Gandolfini is a bigger star on TV than most film actors could ever hope to be on screen. Success rose to meet the level of his talent. Now, he’s slated to appear in a slew of flicks, including "Surviving Christmas." Though wildly popular now, Gandolfini has kept a low profile personally and has turned down many a talk show and public appearance. Virgo people are often extremely shy.
If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at - Copyright 2004 Joyce Jillson
ARIES (March 21-April 19). You want to take a big leap forward today but feel like others are holding you two steps back. Trust that it’s all for the best. Try lightening up with a brisk walk at lunchtime. The rest of the day should be smooth sailing.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). It’s perfectly acceptable to rest on your laurels a bit. You’re too hard working to ever be accused of laziness, so don’t listen to your inner critic! Instead, tune out that self-defeating monologue in your head, and listen to your body.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you’ve got something difficult to say to someone, today’s the day to do it. You’ll be less likely to hurt anyone’s feelings, and chances are, you’ll be able to present your case in the most favorable light possible.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). By now, you should be getting the distinct impression that you’ve turned the corner on whatever it was that had you so upset recently. Things are definitely looking up, so have a little faith and don’t give up. You’re in for a surprise.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Clinging to something (or someone) you really want only defeats your efforts. But if you just open your big heart to the world and make room for the unexpected, you may get exactly what you want – and then some.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 13). This year, you come tantalizingly close to achieving that perfect balance between blissful togetherness and maintaining your independence. People are attracted to your sense of style and that certain enigmatic smile that comes with your inner calm. Doors open up for you this month. By holiday season, you’ll be calling all the shots. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 17, 25, 36 and 50.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Is there someone from your past who has been on your mind a lot lately? Now’s a good time to give that person a call. You and a loved one benefit from something educational, perhaps a trip to the library or a good documentary.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Get in touch with your playful side. Do something creative like change your hairstyle, shoot a roll of black-and-white film on your old camera, or rearrange your furniture. Even listening to music puts things in a new light.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The obstacles that were in your way seem easily surmountable today. You get by with a little help from your friends. In fact, someone you thought was playing for the other team turns out to be a wonderful ally.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You party child! If anyone knows how to have a good time, it’s you! Everyone follows your lead. At the office, your carefree attitude sets the tone for your department. At home, an unexpected phone call brings exciting news.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Sometimes, it’s lonely at the top. If you stay true to your down-to-earth roots, you’ll fare much better. Co-workers benefit from your diplomacy. You hear both sides of the argument and render wise and fair judgment.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your very nature engenders surprises, so you know by now to expect the unexpected. Still, careful planning can help you avoid an unpleasant mishap. If dating, you may be called upon to defend someone’s honor.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you played too hard over the weekend, you probably won’t feel terribly productive today. The sooner you accept this, the quicker you can move on to the important things – like daydreaming about what tomorrow will bring!
ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: "I’m a 31-year-old Sagittarius single mother (born Nov. 28, 1972) with a 9-year-old daughter. My fiancé is a 32-year-old Aquarius. We have been engaged since last Christmas and have only been together one and a half years. We just got our own place, and everything seems to be perfect between us. Have I finally found the man of my dreams?"
It’s natural for Sagittarius to get cold feet when things get serious, as this sign treasures independence. Your sign fears that giving up some of that freedom and becoming dependent on another person for love and support will lead to disaster. What if the person changes or goes away – what then? I challenge you to give up your ideal of "the man of my dreams" and "perfect." Those terms only set you up for a fall, as everyone is flawed, even charming Aquarius. Commit yourself to doing the work of a marriage, and make sure that your Aquarius is equally committed. That means checking in regularly to make sure that the relationship is healthy for both parties and that problems are being addressed. If you’re both willing to do this, then you’ll be just fine.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: James Gandolfini is a bigger star on TV than most film actors could ever hope to be on screen. Success rose to meet the level of his talent. Now, he’s slated to appear in a slew of flicks, including "Surviving Christmas." Though wildly popular now, Gandolfini has kept a low profile personally and has turned down many a talk show and public appearance. Virgo people are often extremely shy.
If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at - Copyright 2004 Joyce Jillson
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