June 26, 2004

The moon is void of course today, and then, this evening, Taurus welcomes the lunar influence, and our senses come alive. It’s interesting how many of our likes and dislikes are linked to past emotional experiences. Memories seem to drive us to fill up on more of what made us happy before. Avoid using external remedies for internal hurts.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. There are moments today when you feel like a beast of burden – someone for the rest of the world to throw a pack on and ride to his or her next destination. Be assured that you’re not alone in this feeling. Drop the baggage.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Out of thousands of details, you focus on those that may be most revealing, and thus, you learn about the true nature of people. Skills like this, involving your sensual nature will be both your pleasure and your protection.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
The care, feeding and general maintenance of your world comes into focus. Neglect is the enemy. How can you do it all more effectively? Flowers and plants are lucky to dote on, reminding you of your own natural will to grow.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
The concept of innocent enjoyment is your focus, and there is much to enjoy! The atmosphere around you, for starters, is bright and hopeful, and you feel like socializing. Caution: Pettiness and gossip are a barrier to your progress.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Friends and loved ones are drawn together for an exchange of emotions. Give in to organizing impulses – if you take time to think, insight will strike before volatile influences have you going off half-cocked.

You’ll feel younger than you did last year, as a new sense of wonder and possibility opens your heart. Use your charm and originality to make the next six weeks your most productive yet. October brings an opportunity to raise a relationship to new levels of closeness. Cash come from a lucky source in November. Love signs are Libra and Sagittarius. Your lucky numbers are: 16, 4, 22, 19 and 54.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Patience is a difficult virtue to remember when your ambitions are as hot as they are right now. It is easy to overextend your energy, especially socially. Sweet love is the best balm for your frustrations.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
The control that others seem to have over your income is becoming a point of resentment. Relationships hold the key to the future. You need more of them – with people who are definitely in a position to help you.

SCORPIO (Oct.24-Nov.21).
For many of you, the romantic sector lights up like a big Vegas-style neon display: "It’s on!" A tender associate could confess overwhelming attraction to you. Beginning something that is truly dicey!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21).
Lexus had a slogan at one time. "It Also Functions Like a Resume." True, your stuff tells a lot about you, but there is a particular part of your material world that isn’t cutting it in the "reflecting you" department. Fix it.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19).
Your actions will be motivated out of a sense of generosity and also a belief that people are in great need of your help. You’re not worried about how much people appreciate you, which is the reason you’re so cherished!

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18).
It seems there’s always someone to bring down the property value in your neighborhood with that washing machine in the front yard – figuratively speaking, of course. Today’s lessons are of compassion and tolerance.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You say what’s on your mind, but sometimes, the timing isn’t the best. Honesty is one thing, but if people didn’t ask your opinion, you might think twice about giving it. Many of you get caught in a social snag – wiggle your way out.

"My sense of a world beyond the ordinary material plane has finally prompted me to take up painting as a way to express the otherworldly vision that I can see but not touch. Is there a possibility that I could develop painting as a source of income?"

Congratulations on delving into yourself to cultivate exciting new abilities. Your chart offers ample support. You are a Libra with Mercury (mind and communication) also in that sign. Libra is linked with the fine arts, in part due to its connection with the scales – a symbol of balance, which is one key element in great visual art. Your Sagittarius moon infuses your emotional life with lofty aspirations and the desire to express yourself through philosophical or religious beliefs. Your chart contains considerable influence from the sign Scorpio – the symbol of transformation and alchemy. You have a deep understanding of the subtle underpinning of life and consciousness. The Scorpio qualities in your personality give you access to uncommon courage and drive. Once you set yourself on a path, you’ll have the strength to take it as far as you want to go.

Leelee Sobieski shines this year as uniquely her own person. Air signs like Gemini understand when to get some perspective on life, and this year, Sobieski will do a lot of traveling. I predict that she’ll return a changed woman. Because of her new outlook, directors will see her in a completely different way. Roles that feature her mysterious tendencies will be the most professionally rewarding.

If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to www.creators.com and click on "Write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com. – Copyright 2004 Joyce Jillson

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