May 2, 2004

The Libra moon says, "Get together, people!" as she gives a nod to Mars, and we have a bubbly, entertaining experience. It’s just as easy to make new friends as it is to feel right at home with the old ones. With Mars in Gemini, it’s easy to grasp the concept of the Now Moment – which is, of course, the only moment we can really control!

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Because of your driving need to be acknowledged by certain people, some of your heart’s wishes have fallen to the wayside. There’s no time for regret, but take back your power today. You help loved ones by inspiring them.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Family members stick by one another. No one is alone if he or she doesn’t want to be. Even though you are skeptical, love will develop out of a long-distance relationship. Be patient with it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You crave new experiences. Travel is an excellent remedy for whatever ails you. Don’t be too daring or take unnecessary risks, or you could find yourself in hot water. Financial problems are the easiest to solve.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Romance is everywhere, no matter how far you go. Flirt to your heart’s content. There are more pitfalls at work than you think, so take precautions. Cheering up someone older is a small gesture with long-term benefits.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Cook, clean, organize – honestly, it’s fun! Family gatherings are enjoyable for all ages, as the different generations communicate beautifully. All you have to do is listen to be helpful. Feasting tonight is a big pleasure.

You make the adjustments necessary to stand on firm ground in your relationships. Knowing yourself better helps you realize exactly what you need – this month and next bring realizations and truly inspiring experiences. Romance is one of your most effective teachers! Love signs are Virgo or Pisces. You’ll sell something for top dollar in June. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 22, 14, 10 and 19.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Tremendous change and growth through a relationship is inevitable for someone with your courage. You need the space to do things your way. Impulsive ideas squeeze your pocketbook – exercise restraint.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
When you’re doing your thing, you’re a love magnet. Everyone needs you, and some demand more attention than you can deliver. If an action feels awkward, it only proves that you are stretching yourself to be better.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Wrap it up! The end of a project will make room for something (or someone) special to drop into your life. The politics of friends and family get complex. Your talent sways the crowd tonight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Your romantic spirit makes you bold, but the object of your affection needs you to move slowly. Your biggest fans are Capricorn and Aquarius. Tonight, candles and meditation help focus you on what you really want.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Let people know what you stand for! You’ll be excited when they donate help, encouragement and even money to your purpose. Family members show respect for your knowledge and position.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Take initiative, and you’ll win politically important friends; you are expanding your realm of influence. A simple gesture means everything to family members. Don’t reveal too much to anyone who has not yet proven trustworthy.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Life on the other side of the fence looks better than it really is – stop worrying about what others are doing, and find out what pleases you. Leave personal decisions to their rightful owners.

During these last few days of Mars in Gemini, it’s easy to understand the meaning of the Now Moment – which is, of course, the only point in time we can really seize and take pleasure in! Enjoy yourself, and enjoy your friends. It’s a pretty social week, and there are many opportunities to connect with people you’ve known for a while in fresh ways. You’ll see how multifaceted humans can be, including yourself, and get a window into why it’s easier to show some people a different side than you’d show other people. Tuesday brings a lunar eclipse – the moon is full in Scorpio, the detective of the zodiac, and much will be revealed in the personal sector. You may have a desire that even you were unaware of before that comes to the surface. This is a liberating day, as it is often easy to fall into putting a lot of energy into concealing what we really think and feel – what a drain! Wednesday is Cinco de Mayo, and the moon in adventurous Sagittarius has people from all cultures celebrating! The only thing the Sagittarius moon loves to do more than learn is celebrate, so what a perfect excuse to do a little of both!

Everything’s sunny for Taurus director Michel Gondry. He has a big-screen hit with "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Gondry has directed many commercials and music videos for artists such as Bjork, The White Stripes and Kylie Minogue. A Taurus artist’s self-esteem is deeply tied to how engaging his work is, but Taurus rarely takes time to enjoy this, as this sign is always on to the next project!

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