November 30, 2003

The new moon in Sagittarius seduces us into believing that going somewhere new will give us a clean start. But the real truth is that you don’t even have to go anywhere! Desire is all you need to get that new project or relationship off the ground. If you wish to be forgiven, just ask, and you will be. If you are traveling, though, your luck is uncanny.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
There is sexy energy on the social front, and dangerous liaisons could be sparked. You will be asked to lend something, and it would be wise to say "no." A family obligation is clarified with a conversation.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Take a chance on the social scene, but do exercise your power gently, or someone’s feelings are hurt beyond repair. New friendships are the way to new romances. What you do tonight will prove that you’re ahead of your time.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
It’s a little hard to be heard now. You might have to shock someone to get his or her attention. A proposition looks very good, but do more research before signing. Someone is flirting with you tonight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
You count. Tell others what they can do to help you make an even bigger difference in your community. Because you care deeply about someone, you are led down a path you never knew existed.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
You have the energy of a superhuman. Use it for your own projects, too, not just to further everyone else’s agenda. A friend’s self-confidence is directly affected by your opinion. Be compassionate and gentle, but don’t be neutral.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 30).
The incredible social contacts you make this year further business interests and financial security in years to come. Romance opens up through transits in the next month. Travel next month is not only splendid but cheap! A love relationship takes off fast in January. Start new projects in lucrative March. Pisces and Libra loves are special to you. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 27, 13, 24 and 35.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Because of shrewd moves made last week, money trickles down into your fun pile. Love shows you all sorts of new experiences. Dates are magic when you follow someone’s sage advice instead of just doing whatever you feel.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
A spirit of adventure in the air makes it hard to believe you have to go back to work tomorrow. Live it up to the fullest today. Tonight, you’ll realize what you’ve got to do to make your plan work.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Neighborhood and family activities are a blast. You’ll figure out that it takes more than hard to work make a dream come true – you’ve got to love your vision, too. Tonight, quiet time is important; you’re making a decision.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Frank discussions benefit all relationships. Persevere despite the little bumps in a relationship, and you’ll actually be closer by the end of the day. You have good luck while running errands. Consider a large purchase.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Whatever you put your attention on flourishes. Don’t let worries keep you from accomplishing what you set out to do. You can put the romance back into a predictable relationship with a short trip.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Many different forces beg for your attention, so you’ll have to prioritize – you don’t want to be a victim of your own shortsighted scheduling. Broken promises will undermine a loved one’s faith. Keep commitments.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Your self-discipline is incredible today. Bad habits are easier to break, particularly smoking and overindulgence. Love from the past can re-enter the picture. Everyone is impressed by how you keep your cool.

The new moon starts this week off on a truly fresh path. Both the good and the bad are forgotten, and suddenly, a clean slate urges us to start from zero. Prove your love to your significant other, prove your work ethic to your boss, and prove you’re paying attention to your children. This is a splendid opportunity to get it right if you’ve been getting it wrong lately. Monday nigh brings together Mercury, Pluto and the moon – this meeting turns into a cosmic jam session, and the song that rings out has a beat that everybody can dance to. It’s uplifting to say the least. With Sagittarius energy bursting everywhere, there will be heated debates over political happenings with people from all corners of the Earth putting in their 2 cents. These are philosophical times, but what winds up happening is that people do what’s practical for them. By Thursday, the Aquarius lunar activity gives some levity to our fire-up ambitions. Why work so hard to make a point when you can just as easily relax and have a meal together? The Pisces moon over the weekend will have us looking back at this week’s events with that 20/20 vision hindsight is famous for.

Paul Shaffer was born under the empathetic Pisces moon, which has helped him support hundreds of different musical acts through his career, including over 20 years as the bandleader and sidekick for David Letterman. Pisces aspects allow a person to meld with another person’s point of view. On a musical level, this ability provides an intuitive ability to fit an artist’s groove even without rehearsal!

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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