ARIES (March 21-April 19). The day gets off to a slow start, but motivate yourself to action anyway. Financial help is available if you need it. The influence of a glamorous Leo or Libra has you re-thinking your style. Artistic projects go better in the evening.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Keep thoughts of abundance circulating in your head. Strive to better understand children, and they perform miraculously. Regarding friends: Figure out what is and is not your problem. Life will take on new ease.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Listen for wise messages that may come from any direction. Having a single focus allows you to use your powers to their fullest potential. Reserve the right to change your mind. Fantastic heart connections are made tonight.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Embark on new journeys, preferably toward a place of sanctuary. Peace and quiet will help you put your feelings into words. Flirtation with an Aries or Leo featured. Even you are surprised by your own nerve tonight.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A drama king or queen could have you believing a crisis is real. Relax. Enlightening conversation sparks a moneymaking idea. Answers to difficult questions are revealed tonight. Love with a Virgo or Aries is favored.
TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (July 6). You approach your daily life with creativity, looking for ways to make even the smallest things more beautiful and interesting. This year, you have the chance to be creative with the big picture. In August, an attentive admirer surfaces who continues to gain respect for you. Expect a confrontation at work in October. Jealousy seems to run rampant. Your lucky numbers are: 15, 4, 48, 30 and 45.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The afternoon may bring some bickering, but try not to let things escalate. Look for fortune, and you’ll find love instead. Those in a rut need to give more. Stay home, and do some soul searching tonight!
LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23). Input from a partner makes it possible to do more than you could ever do on your own. You are an expert on the subject of child rearing. Tonight, outstanding social success awaits you. A Gemini notices you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Tug of war between dreams and practicalities is the theme. Everyone seems so interesting, it’s easy to make new friends and fall into casual but enthralling conversations. Personal matters are affected by political ones.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You want to throw caution to the wind, but something is holding you back – listen to that voice. You can remain autonomous and still enjoy a partner’s company for what it’s worth. Have a special dinner tonight.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Accurate projections, solid plans and precautions are highlighted. Let family members have plenty of space. Start new relationships by getting into the local cultural scene. Trying a new endeavor increases your sex appeal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). What brings you great satisfaction and no money should still be considered a profitable endeavor. Do the honorable thing, even if shortcuts seem enticing. You make a memorable impression tonight.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When you know what you want, you fall into comfortable arrangements that are perfectly in line with your expectations. A love connection stirs up ancient feelings. A memory comes back enhanced.
FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: The new moon in Cancer at the top of the week gives a clean start to emotional matters. If someone has wronged you, you might find it easier to offer forgiveness. Also, home and hearth beg for attention, and projects you’ve been procrastinating forever will suddenly seem very do-able – perhaps all you need is an hour to cross off your list the very task you thought would be a major pain. Pat yourself on the back. Making your physical world beautiful will have an effect on the world inside your head, too. Mental clarity is what you need to take advantage of the opportunity presented Monday, when Uranus and Mercury meet up. Unexpected events can have a fortunate effect on your finances or your personal life if you’re ready to jump on them. Tuesday, a lucky aspect will help you understand why you had to learn lessons of the past to be right where you are now. In your current wisdom, you’ll be able to appreciate what a loved one is offering you. Friday, Venus slips into Cancer, and it’s all about the people you want in your home. If they don’t fit into your domestic lifestyle, you may not see them for a few weeks!
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Despite appearances, Sly Stallone is very sensitive, caring and eager to look after supporters and partners. No matter how busy he is, he will always find time to listen to their ideas or to their troubles. Cancer people have great empathy, partially because they themselves have been hurt by life. This year, he is put in a position to be the guardian of someone who will add another dimension to his life.
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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson