March 24, 2003

The Capricorn moon helps us understand how we fit into the societal structures around us. Competition is a tremendous motivator that many will be able to turn into great momentum toward personal goals. But other planets conspire to nudges us in a different direction tonight; it seems treats and fun can also be effective motivators!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. A chance interaction with a co-worker leaves you feeling flustered and distracted, but in a good way. The ball in your court in his or her mind. Take the initiative, and turn sparks by the espresso machine into flames of passion.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Take your sweetie to the tennis court, gym or even the pool hall to feel the good vibes return between the two of you. You investigate the origin of firmly held beliefs about a Leo native and uncover a common thread.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Chalk up bad luck to temporary negative vibes. It doesn’t anything to do with your fortune in the big picture. You rebel against past feelings of helplessness and discover something new about yourself.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Within you is a volatile, articulate person who may or may not meet the outside world. With the right prodding and confidence, someone persistent, like a Libra, will help the crab come out of its shell.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Refusal to face a rejection squarely undermines your sense of stability. Put how you feel on the table right in front of the person who has done you wrong. Doing so many may not result in the tide turning in your favor but will bring relief.

It’s a year when your talents really shine – and special schooling will make them shine even brighter. April features the chance to start new with a relationship that’s taken some hard knocks. Accomplish this by forgiving and forgetting. Singles find truelove, possibly a Gemini or Aquarius. Big career success in June involves travel and an award. Your lucky numbers are: 32, 54, 19, 27 and 11.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Saying it loud and clear is the key to your sweetie’s heart. You find yourself toying with notions of explosive behavior as people at work pass you by left and right. Review your own behavior before you really get in a huff.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
You see the truth behind symbols and rituals. If you are in the position of a healer or instructor, today is perfect to let others in on the stuff that has always been so clear to you. Libra in love: Shared goals are key.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Things you said hurt more than they intended to. You may have a difficult time smoothing things over with injured parties. Super-sweet words and gestures melt icy relationships. Stop giving attention to your limitations.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
To save face, you tell stories that even you have trouble believing. Admitting when you’re wrong will be a lot less painful and less time consuming than going point by point over you meant to say.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
What was previously overlooked becomes important. An unspoken assumption that a partner has held about you comes to light. Find the kernel of truth, and then, set the record straight. Hard feelings melt away.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Even though you are a terrific listener, heeding the advice of others will only hinder you in your quest for self-discovery. Solo experience in the evening is most enjoyable, especially if you’re the only one dining out alone!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You negotiate sensitive terrain at home with style and grace. Others cannot articulate what you have the ability to say today. Having people follow your lead may not feel 100 percent natural. Lucky numbers come up.

"I was born Sept. 11, 1969. I feel that since my birthday falls on the 11th, it is associated with much negativity. Is this the case?"

A dear friend of mine was also born on Sept. 11, and I write this to you, him and every Virgo born on that day: Just because your special day brought tragedy one year doesn’t mean that you personally are in any way cursed. I believe we are all influenced by the astrological climate, but I also believe that we have the power to create our lives and that our destiny is what we make it. For you in particular, dear Virgo, next month is a pivotal time. You’re usually very un-self-conscious, but in a few weeks, you’ll look in the mirror and see something new – a quality in yourself that you’ll want to play up to help advance towards financial goals. You’re such an asset to your boss and company that their praise and need of you makes it hard to see yourself in another position, but when you’re really honest, you must admit that the money just isn’t right. Get your portfolio/resume/business presentation in order. You’ll be making significant changes to the tune of getting some of the security in your finances that has become important.

Emmylou Harris is a seven-time Grammy award-wining singer/songwriter who hasn’t seen the last of those shiny statuettes. Her every-young Aries appeal is a magical power that all Aries have. It stems from feeding their curiosity – as long as Aries are interested in what’s fresh, they themselves stay current. A song Harris write about a great love affair from days gone by could be featured in a film.

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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