ARIES (March 21-April 19). When it comes to working with people, you can put upp with many differences. But when it’s about your friends, you just can’t let anyone humorless into your heart. Expand your career horizons with inspirational tapes.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your popularity is on the rise. New people might not be as true as those you’ve known for a long time. Keep those who’ve been faithful in your inner sanctum. An important decision requires more thought. Bide your time.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). There’s a trend at work that benefits you. Needy people make you feel terrific because you can help. Asking more of your fellow man is favored. Anyone with half a heart will contribute to your cause.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Differences between partners can easily be ironed out through honest dialogue. It’s the being honest part that’s hard. Feelings might not get hurt as easily as you think they will. You’ll be surprised how well others take it..
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A new alliance is riding high. Make it official, and you’ll have even more special energy to build on. Really listen to your friends. Tonight, suspend your disbelief long enough to be entertained.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (January 21). In the year ahead, foundations could be set down to last a lifetime. Everything is connected this month, and you’ll have a glimpse of the far-reaching significance of your choices. Say "yes" to travel now and in October. Avoid extremes in February, especially in matters of the heart. Money made in March can be doubled in a savvy investment. Your lucky numbers are: 14, 33, 31, 19 and 5.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Staying cheerful no matter what will set a precedent for others you live with. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t assert yourself when it’s appropriate. Rivals back down as soon as you stand up for your beliefs and property.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You have luck with chance meetings, deliveries and spur-of-the-moment invites. Your fun-loving mood makes life exciting for others, too, so loosen up, and let people be attracted to you. Tonight, loves consider taking the plunge.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Jealous, opportunities people pose a threat to your project but none as great as the one you yourself pose. The hardest thing is to surrender your ego to the guidance of your higher self. Once you do, no one has power over you.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ve got a fan at work. Accept praise – don’t deflect it to the boss. You deserve a little recognition, too. Inspired by the promise of love, you will go to impressive lengths to thrill a dear one tonight.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). What was once adequate compensation now seems a mere pittance. Bite your tongue while you do a little research. You’ll need to make a strong case for your raise, or it never comes.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There seems to be an easier way to do everything today. There’s no need to emblazon your creed across your chest. Everyone senses your purpose. Trust in the subtleties of life. Attract what you want instead of hunting it down.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Loved ones need help in overcoming negativity. Shed light on the way life really is. You’ve got a gift for frank talk. Later, you’ll be thanked. Other water signs (Scorpio and Cancer) help you make money.
ASTROLOGICAL QUESTIONS: "I’m a 39-year-old Aries who doesn’t fit the mold. OK, I can be a leader but prefer not to be. I abhor competition and have no ambition or drive. I am so NOT bold and prefer repetition and routine. Other Aries I know do seem to fit the profile – but not me. What could be the reason for this, or was I just born wrong?"
No one is "born wrong," and certainly, you weren’t either. In your natal charte, Venus, the love planet, is in Pisces, indicating you are incredibly sensitive. In some cases, you are afraid to make a movie if you think a loved one won’t approve or will feel threatened. This winds up affecting your career choices, lifestyle and relationships. Not hurting others is at the top of your list, and your tendency is to put everyone else’s desires first. Because of this, a routine can be comforting. It decreases your likeliness of meeting new people who might impose themselves on you. But your Sagittarius moon suggests you have a secret need to break out, too – traveling, exploring, following where your curiosity leads without having to worry about how others will be affected. Following that urge is extremely lucky.
CELEBRITTY PROFILES: Denzel Washington is an award-winning actor who keeps the public guessing. His villainous character in "Training Day" was just as loveable any heroes he has played! This Capricorn dad could help one of his children with an acting role in 2003. Capricorn men are hard-working but usually feel that the real value in their efforts is being able to share with generations to come.
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