December 21, 2002

We’re preoccupied with getting our own needs met in the morning, but the afternoon is a different story. About halfway through the day, a lunar transit into Aquarius brings a second wind. Being social seems more important. You may make up games to help remember people’s names or seek ideas for keeping conversation sparkling.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Your efforts to charm will be successful in part because, some deep, you really don’t care what the other person thinks of you. Friendship does have limits. Try to accept that fact and to stop testing people.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Don’t sacrifice love for something you value less. Romance must be made a priority to succeed. Education is extremely rewarding. Funds are earmarked for specific purposes. You adjust gradually to a stricter budget.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
You deserve a better relationship than the limbo-land one you could be accepting. If someone is not 100 percent committed, it may be time to simply let go. It’s lucky to do a favor for an Aquarius if it’s not much trouble.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Make sure a project is feasible before executing it or involving others. You’re more inclined to share resources with new friends than old. Expert knowledge in the arts impresses a potential love.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Romantic embers are rekindled with an old flame. You have friends who truly respect and care for you, so do not be afraid to ask for help. When the paycheck comes, you won’t be sorry for how hard you are working now.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (December 21).
You achieve astounding results this year because you go the extra mile to succeed. Concentrate your efforts now through January, letting nothing distract you. A new romance is likely with a younger person; a Cancer or Pisces has a special power over your heart. A small business started in August succeeds. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 44, 29, 1 and 24.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Involvement with those who are as independent as you are makes for a weekend of fun and games. Keep out of family issues, which become more intense and will only bring you down. Get away.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Extraordinary effort pays off in ways you hadn’t expected, as you’re given special attention and privileges. New ideas should be put down on paper or otherwise saved. A secret may come out before evening.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Let yourself appreciate the moment without worry about tomorrow. Gratification lies in silence and returning to your own strongest values. A party is for relaxation, so don’t spend all night helping in the kitchen.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
A big money break or travel opportunity will bring you prestige. It may take a third party to help you and a partner resurrect love, but your twosome will be better than before.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
A fickle one finally gives you a solid answer. Juggling friends, family and domestic responsibilities is a snap for you, but others are more delicate. Be sensitive and not at all competitive around loved ones.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Set financial priorities. You need sober, clear vision to make tough-minded money plans; keep your aging idealism at bay. A Capricorn ally offers valuable money advice. A loved one delivers what you most need.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Support comes from those you admire – love can actually heal a wound. Artistic expression captures the interest of someone new. Don’t join a friend for a shopping spree without a list, or your budget is compromised.

This year, your kind heart attracts what is right for you. At the top of the year, heads turn when you walk by. You smile as if you’ve got a secret everyone wants to know. It’s partly who folks come out of the woodwork to get to know you. Be discerning. You’ll need lots of energy to face the challenge of personal relationships in February. Make sure you’re your short-term decisions about love make long-term sense. April brings a pestering case of spring fever, and there are temptations everywhere. Give yourself permission to 8indulge in other ways. Take terrific care of yourself, and you’ll have the fortitude to make healthy choices. June brings family additions for many Virgos. Finding your career niche (all over again) is a summer-long project that begins with an event that is out of your control. Roll with it. Re-education in late June might be necessary and is well worth it. When you get a chance to bust out with an underused talent, you’ll never let it lie dormant again. Think of 10 easy to get the family dynamic in shape through September. Troubled souls just need a little of your exquisite tenderness. Fantastically lucky signs are Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

To many who spend their late night hours winding down in front of the television, Paul Shaffer is like a longtime friend. This easygoing Sagittarius (the sign of popularity) no doubt finds the routine of a daily television show challenging (Sagittarius needs constant change of location to feel really energized), but the succession of new artists is what keeps his job satisfaction high.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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