November 25, 2002

If you feel like your life is in the blender, this is to be expected. When Uranus takes action, the result is a complete surprise. It’s hard to know what you’ll end up with, but one thing is sure, you’re not in Kansas anymore. (Unless, of course, you are in Kansas.) The new moon is a perfect opportunity to get it right the first time.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. You’ve been giving more than you get, but the balance is about to shift more appropriately. Total commitment to your job is noticed by higher-ups and is rewarded. This evening, a romantic interest is open to all you have to say.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Someone would like to help and help himself or herself at the same time, so take people up on the offers they make. Events prove you were right all along – ironically, just when being right isn’t as important to you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
It’s not enough to wish someone well; extend a favor. Your best friend could introduce you to the love of your life. Delve into matters of the heart and figure out what needs to change. A big plan awaits only your courage to begin.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Put your imaginative energy to work. You help yourself most when you help another. Straighten out misunderstandings with a partner (probably over money). A last-ditch effort succeeds. Call ahead before making a visit.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Know your promises, and achieve faster. Make a statement with your clothes or attitude when meeting new people – someone special is among them. The time is ripe for a new romance, first date or excursion into fantasy dreamland.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 25)
. Many fascinating avenues of interest call you to explore this year. Travel is likely, as are speaking tours and greater use of your mind and hands. January brings a change to reconnect with old friends. Relationships stabilize and are meaningful in May; be generous and amendable to reason. Lucky heart connections are with a Gemini or Cancer. Your lucky numbers are: 2,19, 33, 15 and 39.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You’re learning some little tricks you can use on yourself to keep from overeating or overspending. Loved ones appreciate it when you provide a much-needed dose of reality. People in unconventional occupations are lucky.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Concentrate on family and spiritual values – your energies will be renewed. Earnings from a side job allow you to have more financial freedom and social fun, too, so say yes. Singles make love connections at church.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Following the same routine at work every day won’t get you enough attention to be considered for a bonus or promotion. It’s time to share things up. Your outrageous energy helps your earnings potential and your love life as well.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
If your schedule leaves you drained and mad at the world, clue in. Get blocks of unstructured time gong in your life. Breathing room helps you do better in every area. Money from a settlement or past investment is featured.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
You’ll be the one with the fabulous attitude when things go awry, which they will. Being a sport is the secret to your charisma. Besides, little mishaps lead to accidental meetings with people who’ll be important to your future.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Teachings makes you aware of what you’d like to learn next. Even if you’re happy where you are, it’s lucky to read the classifieds. A brilliant idea could very well break you out of a rut.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Notice what others do, not what they say. Attractive people stir your spirit of competition. Make a plan to unburden yourself from debts. You are tempted to leave someone lame in the dusts but will gain much more from helping.

"I love astrology and would like to do it full time. Do I have any indicators in my chart that say I could make it my livelihood?"

Most astrologers have a bit of the maverick in them, preferring to carve out their own destiny by practicing the study of the stars they love. Your chart certainly reflects this independent quality. You are a Libra with your moon in astrology-minded Aquarius and Virgo rising. Uranus in your career sector bonds well for an astrological career, as it indicates an unusual profession. Air sign influences in your chart indicate you were born with intellectual brilliance and gifted with the ability to go right to the heart of the matter or any horoscope you study. Good luck – you’re a natural!

"How does it look for an Aquarius to start an important business?"

Aquarius tends to learn best from working with someone who has done the job before. Hire someone with the right experience to help you through the first three months, setting up systems that will work all year. Your superior taste and masterful people skills are a given, but for success, you have to cover the administrative end of things!

TV personality and radio announcer Jimmy Kimmel of "The Man Show" is a typical Scorpio man in many ways, making money at what Scorpio men often love to focus on – sexy women. But Scorpio men tend to be extremely sensitive and often don’t date as much as one would think. In fact, Scorpio men can often relax and be more themselves with one woman who thinks the world of them.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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