November 24, 2002

The big news is Uranus is going direct – an energy jolt that could turn your vision of the world upside down. Someone new may step your life, mix it all up and go right back out. It’s all for the sake of the one thing you can count on to be a constant: change. The Scorpio moon casts a sexy glow and adds to the already impulsive atmosphere.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Your sense of humor gets you out of a tight spot with a family member. If you cherish harmony, don’t boss others around. Return calls immediately, as good news required action. Loved ones surprise you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
An ex could play a huge part in your financial planning. Negotiations are in your favor if you stay generous with your assets but selfish with your time. Cultivating new romance takes all the focus once old issues are resolved.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Anything you put on paper will bring luck in the near future. Write letters, or work on your resume. Loyal friends help from behind the scenes. A surprise visit antagonizes your significant others, so be prepared to make it up later.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Regarding friends and finances, try to discern the difference between generosity and extravagance. A discussion should not be taken lightly. Real issues must be examined and resolved. Enjoy music or rend a classic movie.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Your thirst for adventure must be fulfilled. Plan for along trip to a faraway land. If you are feeling sad, communicate this to the people in your life. You can get a fresh start with diet and exercise.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 24)
. Projects and relationships come to an exciting peak at the end of the year. Over the next six months, transitions lead to new interests that dominate 2003. You can help straighten out others’ affairs, to your ultimate benefit as well. January gets you focused on personal priorities. Your best love signs are Scorpio and Taurus. Your lucky numbers are: 3,20, 11, 47 and 49.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Your body feels terrific now. Physical pursuits are relaxing and even addicting. Singles find love when a relative plays matchmaker. Couples smooch by the TV. Buy something from a Scorpio to improve your appearance.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
You know what you want, but someone else has it. This is the day to have a good long talk with yourself and figure out a strategy to get it. Dong the easy thing only has one merit now – that it’s easier.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Trading places with someone who means a lot to you gives you great perspective and perhaps some answers to personal questions. There’s more than meets the eye with a new date. Start a conversation, and find out.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
If you’re not willing to make your dreams real, who will? Do some research, and then muster up the courage to take the first step. Luck has to do with following a hunch all the way through.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Charm your way into the public eye, new places and the lives of new people. Cooking, gardening and beautifying the home are all successful. Fitness tip: Set up an exercise program you can do in any mood or weather.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Explore, discover, and let yourself be led by someone bolder or more experienced. Your family needs plenty of attention, but even if you have to clean up after a house full of people, the fun of hosting is worth it.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You’re the object of much attention, so make the most of it – flirt. Calls and letters are likely sources of luck or fulfillment. Classified show good deals, whether buying or selling. Loving partners are even sweeter than usual.

Uranus mixes things up for us, and in some ways, it will never be the same. Someone exciting could come into the scene, rearrange everything and then exit just as quickly. Be open to going along for the ride, since resistance is futile. Besides, a startling interruption of our everyday patterns is just what is needed to change some o f the things we’ve been meaning to change for nearly a decade now. What you are willing to let go of becomes the issues you’ll be grappling with all week. Monday gives you the new moon’s gracious fresh start. If you need to be forgiven, ask, and it shall happen Monday, Tuesday through Thursday, hopefulness prevails. If there is something about your image you’d like to change or a perception of you that you are no longer willing to live with, lunar vibes can help make this change quite public. Friday is important to your social life – introduce new friends to old ones for maximum success. Mixing business and pleasure is perfectly acceptable under the stern. Capricorn moon at the end of the week, but do force yourself to be playful on Saturday. It’s more important than you may think.

Every night in Jay Leno’s "Tonight Show" band, Kevin Eubanks pays the foil to Jay’s jokes. How does this good—natured bandleader feel about this clowning around. Eubanks is a Scorpio, so sensitivity is his birthright. It’s harder for someone born under this sign to laugh in any of the information being joked about is true. So it’s obvious the jokes are so far from the truth, this talented Scorpio can laugh heartily.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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