ARIES (March 21-April 19). Be centered, and you can handle more opportunities than you imagined. If work isn’t challenging enough, find ways to advance yourself on the job. Let you intuition dictate what to do during tonight’s date. There’s no reason to feel nervous.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Spending time with friends will help you clarify your ideas. Couples may find it difficult to relax without their partners nearby. Singles: Last week’s casual encounter might turn romantic. Get out of your head and into the world tonight.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). If you want to get insight for a work project, just draw from personal experience. A wild goose chase is avoidable, so get yourself a map instead of relying on someone’s directions. Tonight, you’ll receive the top-notch treatment you deserve.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Positively redefine your love relationship. Hold competition at bay by maintaining excellent communication with a new business partner. Avoid what you know. Trust your instincts this time, although it’s easier said than done.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll be more productive when you are less competitive. Meetings and introductions go smoothly with an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) in the picture. Cut short your flirtation with a love interest who is involved with someone else.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 12). Test your limits. During the next two months, you will be nearly infallible. Romance may be a constant companion throughout spring. You might need time to reassess yourself in June. Likely candidates for marriage are Libra and Aries. The next three months will present several chances to get ahead financially, but willpower is necessary. Your windfall month is August. Your lucky numbers are: 23, 11, 32, 43 and 5.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Don’t try to keep up your looks; try to keep your promises. A younger person has something invaluable to teach you. Newcomers need to know what’s expected of them, or everyone will be uncomfortable. Optimism inspires you.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your psychic ability is strong. It may seem as if someone is trying to undermine your efforts. This is partially true, so pay attention, and combat it with political movies. A former lover wants to remain friends. Your buddies have opposing views.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Trying to go somewhere too far too fast will only lead to a downward spiral. Keep life simple and reasonable. Romance is playful. Reach out, and introduce yourself to new people. The one who is at odds with you is willing to talk it over.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’re on the verge of a breakthrough in the financial realm. A self-centered associate might actually make an effort for you, so try not to be too skeptical. Superficial romance is too shallow for you. You deserve the real thing.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Trust your good sense; the conclusions you come up with will be correct. It’s a good time to negotiate a loan or new payment schedule. Don’t get sidetracked by petty issues. Love is the only thing worth of your undivided attention.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Working your way up will take more time than you thought, but it will happen soon enough. Don’t let fear keep you from doing all that is in your power tonight. Be firm with well-intentioned individuals who monopolize your time.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Enter competitions; you’ll win! An Aries or Pisces will help you financially. Be decisive right now – you can reconsider later. Singles who venture out might forge new connections. Be assertive in love. Being coy doesn’t cut it.
WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: This will be a stellar weekend for singles who are starting something new. Go ahead, and take friends up on those "blind date" setups. Aries: Go to the public library for a change of pace, and you could end up with a change for the better in your love life. Taurus: You are voted most likely to accept a proposal this weekend. Best of luck. Gemini: Game-playing will continue as long as you perpetuate it. Don’t think about how many days you should wait before you make a call, just pick up the phone and dial instead. Cancer. The best dates happen in your own backyard, so be nice to your bank account. Leo: When in doubt, ask a good question, then be quiet! Listening makes you ultra-attractive. Virgo: A change in your appearance will attract a new love interest. Libra: Since you get along so well with Gemini or Capricorn, you might find yourself in love by Sunday afternoon. Scorpio: Sometimes, not getting what you want is a total blessing. Sagittarius: Dare to let someone else lead – you’ll love where he or she takes you. Capricorn: What you say aloud may come true. Aquarius: your sexy mind will seal a deal. Pisces: Go the extra mile for someone you hardly know.
COUPLEOF THE WEEKEND: Capricorn gets special attention from many signs, but Virgo is the one with which it has the most in common. Both enjoy the pleasures of a respectable home and surroundings that include supportive family members and friends. Together, they make an enviable couples, always putting up a stylish front. Behind closed doors, they may be critical of each other, but they can usually work out their differences.
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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson