April 03, 2002

The moon travels into focused Capricorn, helping you keep your mind on your work and your feelings in check. It’s a wonderful chance to finally get those finances in order. Just sit down with the bills or a list of dream purchases, and figure out how you are going to make things work. There is a way, and you have loved ones who will help if you ask nicely.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Spirits are high. Focus on a promotion, your new direction or expansion. Added responsibility is what you needed to attract more money. By this time next week, you’ll be very proud of your self. A drama will unfold tonight.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
You are tempted to spend a lot of money for emotional reasons. Have all the facts in front of you, and do research before making an investment. Keep an appointment with a friend you have not seen in a while.

GEMINI (May 21-June21).
Your leadership qualities are featured this morning put together a group of people who can do the job right. Pay special attention to your diet. Opportunities require you to be in tip-top shape. Those who sell property are lucky.

CANCER (June22-July 22).
Don’t let a simple misunderstanding become something bigger. A family member is especially receptive to your suggestions. Take advantage of favors that are owed to you. A big loan will be approved this afternoon.

LEO (July 22-Aug. 22).
You’re tempted to spend too much money for an items that’s not worth its price tag. Hold off until a genuine bargain becomes available. Friend may help you figure out what to do to get what you want. Let others express their opinions.

It’s a year of surprises, and they will propel you easily towards your goals. Make a key decision, and proceed according to an established plan through April. Ease relationship issues in both your career and love life by slowing down and taking a new approach. Your sexy charm is irresistible, so use it responsibly. Watch out for distractions, especially at the end of July. Your lucky number are: 43, 25, 38, 12 and 2.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Be patient — success will be yours. Patient details have yet to present themselves. Your social nature flourishes; use handy contacts for professional gains. Wear bright colors today to get that extra attention you deserve.

LIBRA (Sept. 23- Oct. 23
). Keep your nose to the grindstone — don’t go out to party until your works is finished. Let others know you are available. Reach out instead of sitting around like a bump on a log. Focus on self-improvement, but avoid excessive self-scrutiny.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23- Nov. 21).
Can you be logical about a passionate relationship? Your sweetie mat try to lean on you financially, but his or her need is probably more than you can give without feeling ultimately resentful. Don’t try to satisfy everyone’s wants.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21).
Relocating is more appealing than ever, all business deals will be easier to agree. Everyone is on the same page this time. Communication of all kinds, written or spoken, is favored. Your healing powers are profound.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan. 19).
Business deals heat up, but this is no time to sign a contract. Consolidated financial matters before they get out of hand. A change in your personal appearance may put out the right signal. Others find you charming, witty and playful.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Your far-off plans will become crystal-clear. You could easily change the way you feel about someone. Someone who’s rejected you in the past could become enamored with you. For big fun, plan a mini-vacation tonight.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Follow your curiosity. Get information about an upcoming deal, meeting or social occasion so what you are prepared for anything that might happen. Improve your physical well-being by having some outdoor fun. Go out with a Leo

"Help! I have a copy of my natal chart, but I can’t understand it all. Can you please provide me some insight? Thank you."

An astrological chart is like a lamp. Unless you know the symbols and area you are examining, it won’t make a lot of sense. It is difficult for an astrologer, even in a long, private consultation, to adequately explain a chart to a client. A chart is truly a complex set of points, similarities and mathematical relationships that takes a while to learn to decipher, even in the most elemental fashion. Your question is a good one. I have often wondered if giving a client a chart confuses them more than it helps. It is unrealistic to think that an astrological "reading" is the same as a full-blown course in astrology. It isn’t. What a chart can do is help you recognize the signs and planets. Gradually, you can learn to see how transit affect you. Transits are how the planets today affect the planets as they were at your time of birth. Next time you have an astrological consultation, ask the astrologer to tell you the position of each planet in your chart. Knowing this is the first step to being able to use your chart effectively.

Alec Baldwin could have success as a fine artist this year as he follows his Aries curiosity to master new mediums. A gallery show could relocate pieces of art for him at a top-dollar rate, making other celebrity painters like Sylvester Stallone quite jealous. A feud between these two heavyweights might make it to be tabloids!

If you would like to write to Joyce Jillson, please go to www.creators.com and click on write the Author" on the Joyce Jillson page, or you may send her a postcard in the mail. To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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