ARIES (March 21-April 19). If a former employer offers you a career opportunity, take it. If you find yourself in the middle of a financial setback, it won’t last long. A Cancer may show signs of interest that go beyond friendship. Set the stage for romance tonight.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). An elderly relative appreciates good company, so find the time, and you won’t be sorry. An employment offer still stands in case you change your mind. Your sweetie might get very romantic if you suddenly stop being affectionate.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your social life may improve after relocating to a new town. When work challenges your ego, go for broke and show what you are made of. Friendly overtures will be well-received. If you stay true to your instincts, you will never lose.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The example you set may inspire others, especially a child. A family member will seek your advice, so be methodical. Though it may be far less than you deserve, know that your mate is doing his or her best to show you their love.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll hear encouraging news this morning. Make a profit by selling something you purchased. Return phone calls immediately, or potential clients and business associates will get the wrong idea. Concentrate on making good negotiations.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY(March 12). You’re headed for a better financial opportunity this year. Trade your old belief system for a new, more expansive mindset, and you’ll attract outrageously lucky opportunities. Beware of tricky family dealings in April. You’ll come out ahead with a little diplomacy. Your love relationship may become serious quickly, and the best time for commitment is November. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 10, 48, 17 and 5.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Unsolicited romantic advice might turn out to be quite unreliable. Be patient with people who are too caught up in their own problems to be of any use to you. A competitor could offer you a job. Say "yes" if they offer a huge salary.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Disclose your secret ambitions and desires. You’ve got plenty of fire, and hearing that you might have some competition will really get you on the ball. Accept a sexy Scorpio’s invitation tonight. You have no idea where love may lead you.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Patience is the key to finishing a project. A friend could be the business partner of your dreams, but you’ll never know unless you give him or her a try. You’ll hear positive things about a relative. Your love life is on the right track.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Have you decided to move yet? You need a change to see your creative potential. Good intentions mean little when you don’t take the appropriate action, so get going! You can cross the lines that were once impenetrable.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). A change in your appearance will make you stand out in an exciting, new way. Singles may be distracted by romance when they meet enticing love interest on the job. Take time to see family members who miss you immensely.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Master the latest technology if you want to meet and surpass your competition. Tension will affect your concentration. Blow off steam by exercising or spending time with the family. Make sure the one you love isn’t already taken.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Stay abreast of current events and affairs, and you’ll have plenty with which to impress your boss. The repercussions of last week’s decisions will sneak up on you. Start a new gym routine, and stick to it. Date a Leo you met recently.
ASTROLOGICAL FEATURE: STAR SUPPORTERS OF 2002 (PART FOUR OF SIX): Who will help you get what you’re looking for in the new year? Libra: Practice makes perfect, though you find this tedious. The main problem is that you’ve been so good at everything you’ve challenged that you haven’t developed the need to be terribly disciplined. Now, you’re in a totally new game. You’ll get what you want by being consistent, rather than talented. Virgo and Capricorn are fabulous to surround yourself with because their work ethic is strong. A very conscious Gemini will introduce you to the right people and possibly a love potential. An Aries is your inspiration, and he or she gets millions of things done at once. However, when you have the choice (as in the last week of April and all through June), work smarter rather than harder. Scorpio: You may have started the year out as a bit of a loner, feeling as if you know the path that’s right for you – and you were right. But this month, opening your circle to people in similar straits is the fastest way to succeed. Find others who share your obstacles to money or love, and band together. Aquarius has plenty of useful information, but Sagittarius is the one who shows you how to put it all together. A Virgo technical adviser will keep you up to date.
CELEBRITY PROFILES: Happy Birthday to Pisces Liza Minnelli, who is a newlywed this year. Pisces is the sign of famous parentage, and Minnelli holds the distinction of being the only child of two Oscar winners to win an Oscar herself. Some believe that the reason why there are so many children of famous parents born under the sign of the fish is because Pisces, being an old soul, doesn’t see the need to struggle for recognition.
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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson