January 08, 2002

The full moon in Aries represents emotional release, which can take on a wide variety of tones. Those who are happy get ecstatic, and those who are sad become miserable. Everyone needs to blow off a little steam, and being tolerant will help clear the air. Let your burdens fall by the wayside, or blast them off like a rocket – as long as you let them go.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Put financial promises on paper. Your romantic life needs a lift, so scheduled a getaway, even if it’s only to the park. Singles may find a new love relationship with someone much younger. You feel restless, so write your thoughts down!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. Pleasure-loving friends give you an emotional boost. Be responsible with someone else’s belongings, even if they don’t seem to care. Business associates maybe inept, but pointing it out to them would be a huge mistake.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Motivate a teenager by setting a good example. Someone makes an offer you can’t refuse, but it is dangerous to accept it. Social events turn into business opportunities. Your mate needs to know your boundaries.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Try something twice before throwing in the towel. A bit of game-playing is essential today. You might make a compromise for the sake of a child – an act that will be rewarded later. Stay true to yourself tonight.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Observe intelligent colleagues carefully, and follow their lead. Overcoming shyness is easier now. New courses offered online or in a nearby city will help your career tremendously. A coincidence was really planned by a sneaky friend

. You’ll receive big rewards for letting go of perfectionist habits. Better financial prospects will come after the month is over. An ideal partnership gives you courage to take risks you never would have considered last year. Romantic interests are varied through the next three months. By March, you’ll discover both inner peace and blissful passion. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 17, 26, 46 and 22.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Handle rough times in your romantic relationship with a lot of patience. Do not force anything, as delays will be helpful to you. If you are ready for more responsibilities, your boss will bless you with a big promotion.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Keep nourishing your mind by reading and keeping correspondence with important individuals. Touchy subjects come up tonight. The weight of evidence is on your side. Focus on the real issue, instead of stepping aside.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Cancel a date if you feel half-heartedly about it – you’re not doing anyone favors by trying to seem interested. Work requires flexibility in time and abilities. Your enthusiasm and desire to learn more leads to success and happiness.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Singles find love at work; married people sneak away together. New relationships gain a stronger foothold after both parties have an intimate and revealing conversation. Remind people about appointments and prior engagements.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. You’ll see the first signs that a romantic dream is becoming reality. In love, your see more action when you do less. Games of concentration increase your earning potential. A meeting with a Capricorn or Leo is lucky this afternoon.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Changing your daily routine opens up better communication with family members. Don’t loan money for the wrong reasons. Sleep on financial decisions. A child’s talent matures with your gentle comments and guidance.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You set high standards for your roommates or romantic partners, but settle for half as much. Motivate yourself to work out. Physical fitness should be a priority. Travel, especially a short trip, brings new love possibilities and satisfaction.

astrological questions:
"I always read my newspaper’s horoscope, but I want to be able to do in-depth predictions for my friends and myself. I have some clues to what’s going on. Can you tell me more about how and where to study astrology?"

There is more information about astrology and shortcut ways to learn it than ever before. Some astrological Internet sites actually allow you to put input information and get ephemeris tables with astrological information in return. There are also software programs you can buy to do tedious calculations n a few minutes that used to take an astrologer weeks to complete. The ephemeris shows you where the planets are on given days and their relationship to each other and the earth. But what you do with all these numbers is what astrology is really about. For tips on interpretation, your local library will have some basic astrology books, as well as your local "new age" bookstore. New books come out every year, as public interest in this subject is growing rapidly. Of course, any sign can do astrology, but Virgos possess an edge and talent for the details and mathematical calculations that are so essential to truly precise astrological delineation. Good luck on becoming one of us!

Gwen Stefani could start her own fashion lie this year. With her moon in Pisces, her chart suggests she would also make a terrific actress, especially if the part called for characteristics very different from her own. Mercury was retrograde at the time of her birth, which guarantees her "cool" status as she advances in years. Don’t be surprised if she teams up with many more talented musicians in the near future. With as rich as musical past as hers, it will be more than likely that she’ll win a very prestigious award.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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